Chapter 31

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[Josephine's POV]

Hero hasn't brought up my mental issues after our little melt down in the parking lot. I feel like shit for yelling at him when he was only protecting me and bean but it's just hard to keep the lid sealed on my temper especially when my anxiety is through the roof.

We thankfully got through security quickly without getting recognized. We now have an hour to kill before our flight boards.

"You or bean hungry?" Hero asks as we walk past a bunch of restaurants.

I love how he thinks I can tell when bean is hungry as if it isn't shown through my own hunger.

"Ya we both are, are you?" I lightly swing our interlocked hands back and forth as we walk.

"Ya, what should we get?" Hero smirks at me when we pass in-n-out.

Oh no.

I know where this is going.

"Say one thing about it and I'll end you!" I point my finger at him in a very child like manner but I couldn't care less. I hate how he brings up this one memory every time we pass this restaurant.

"I just cant forget how drunk you were. Josephine Langford was so trashed that she had a photoshoot with her takeout food! Who would've guessed that day would've ever came?" He's chuckling at his own stupid remarks about my poor behaviour when intoxicated but I can't hold in my giggles either when thinking back to that night.

The cast was down at the hotel lobby's bar and I took it to far like usual. The whole cast went and spent time at Anna's hotel room afterwards, considering she got the biggest suit the hotel could offer. I was starving so I ordered post-mates. Twenty minutes later I was messaged to go down to the lobby to retrieve my food so off I went. Once I stumbled back into the room everyone's eyes were on me. I did a little model walk once I walked in and then I started humiliating myself even more by posing with the bag. Of course Samuel had to take photos, which totally pissed Hero off, but once he saw how funny and awkward the photos were he relaxed a bit. I swear the cast will never let me live that moment down. They will keep reminding me of it till they are blue in the face.

"You looked cute that day. You were just being yourself." Hero caresses my hand with the pad of his thumb and my body instantly relaxes. I swear with the simplest touch from him my body turns into complete putty.

"I wish being myself didn't involve acting like an idiotic school girl!" I hide my flushed face behind my hand which Hero immediately pulls away.

"First of all you don't act like a school girl. Two stop being so hard on yourself. If you truly were that bad personality wise you wouldn't have millions of people looking up to you, myself included."

I pull up my hood to hide from the rest of the busy airport and sneak a quick kiss from Hero. We have to be really selective on when we show affection here because fans could be anywhere.

"I love you." I whisper as I pull away.

"I love you more."

We walk up to the in-n-out counter and start to order.

"I'll have a large fry and what do you and bean want?"

"Hmm-" I look up at the menu. Why does absolutely anything on the menu board look delicious right now? "-surprise me!"

"And a double cheeseburger with a lemonade please and thank you." Hero's always so polite it's so attractive.

We get our food and make our way to the seating by our gate.

We eat while watching one of our many downloaded movies. He's making me watch Mr and Mrs Smith since I still have to make up for all his "lost time" when watching marvel.

Just as I'm about to drift off to sleep our flight gets called on the overhead speakers.

"Fight 285 to Nassau, Bahamas now boarding seats 10-20!"

Hero stands up and retrieves our luggage as I grab our fanny pack with our passports. I unzip the pouch and open the passports so they'll be read once we get to the door.

We stand in line slowly inching up to the desk and my eyes are getting heavier and heavier as seconds pass. I stand in front of Hero and he lets me lean my back against him for support. He has one arm around my stomach pulling me tight to him keeping me warm. It's not helping me stay awake.

"You can sleep the whole plane ride." Hero leans over my head and kisses my hair.

"Hm-mhm." Is all I managed to reply as a yawn escapes from my mouth.

We finally make it to the desk and our passports are cleared and our tickets are taken. We walk through the loading bridge and board the plane.

Once we make it to our seats Hero slides the carry ons under our seat and I slide in the aisle making my way to the window spot. We are lucky that no one booked the third seat so we'll have plenty of room to relax during the flight.

After buckling our seatbelts and the cabins lights dimming the plane finally starts moving down the runway. I've never been a huge fan of planes which is extremely shitty considering the amount of travelling I'm expected to do as an actress. I always take sleeping pills prior so I'm out cold during take off but I forgot to since I've been avoiding all medications.

I grip the arm rest so tight my knuckles turn white. I feel my chest getting heavy and my eyes screwing shut. My body is shaking and the air has just got a whole lot thicker. I can't have a panic attack here. Not in front of all these people.

Hero removed my hand from the arm rest and pull it up so there's no barrier between us. He pulls me in close to his side as my body tremors settle slightly. His scent clears the thick smog from the air and his hands brush away the goosebumps. This man really is my saviour.

"You'll be okay, I won't let anything happen to you ever. I swear it. Cross my heart and hope to die."

I grip his t shirt to keep his warm body as close to mine as the seatbelts will allow. His hands are up the back of my shirt and he runs his fingertips down my spine.

My eyes flutter as I struggle to keep them open. I yawn again and hero whispers in my ear. "You can go to sleep, once you can take your seatbelt off I'll remove yours and you can lay on my lap. For now though just rest." He kisses my forehead and sleep takes over.

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What are they going to do in Bahamas? Will it be everything they both dreamed of?

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What are they going to do in Bahamas? Will it be everything they both dreamed of?

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