Chapter 45

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[Josephine's POV]

Once we got to the hotel Hero and I alternated turns showering and enjoying the hot water rolling away the tension of the past week.

Not that the past week has been horrible or negative in anyway, it's just been busy and stressful to say the least.

I really do need to focus on keeping my stress levels down now that we're beginning to settle down here in London. The doctor said at my last check in how my stress produces at quick rates due to my anxiety and that it could potentially make the pregnancy difficult. 

I know Hero's nervous about my stress and he's doing everything he can to keep me calm but let's face it, our lives are constantly morphing in ways we don't always know how to cope with.

Hero's always been a bubbly and positive person and my main goal in our relationship is to keep him that way. The second I notice my behaviour and my struggles start to drain those aspects of him we will need to have a talk and figure out how to fix it. I feel like I'm constantly worrying about him and keeping him happy, and vice versa. He's so apprehensive about me and bean and I worry he'll start to feel like me. I don't ever want him to feel the way I feel.

It's now the morning and the first day of house hunting, or should I say apartment hunting. We're looking near the west end of London. We want an artistic, dark academic feel to our apartment but also one that is up to date enough to raise a child safely.

We're meeting up with our agent in two hours so we are planning to get ready and make our way to breakfast before the first showing.

Once I dragged both me and Hero out of the big bed and into the washroom I sit his half conscious body on the edge of the bathtub. I pull out his shaving kit and he looks at me puzzled.

"What are you doing?" He gives away a confused chuckle.

"You need to shave your face, we need to look presentable today. Plus I've always wanted to try and shave your face so I'm doing it for you."  I boast and continue to get everything I need spread out on the counter.

He smiles and then proceeds to watch me stare at all the products unsure of where to start.

"Take that powder and put it in the bowl. Once you add a little bit of water you take that brush and you mix it together until it's thick enough to be shaving foam." He helps me out and so I grab the packet of powder and the small mixing bowl.

I pour the contents of the packet into the bowl and turn on the tap letting the water warm up. Once it feels like a comfortable temperature to put on Hero's face I let it run into the bowl until I decide to start mixing. It reminds me of baking in an odd way. The brush moves through the cream just like how a whisk moves through cake batter. Once all the clumps of powder are combined I drag the brush along his jawline.

He turns his head to assist me in applying the shaving cream but keeps a very close eye on my every move in the mirror behind me.

He starts smirking mid brush making me get cream on his lip. I run my thumb across his bottom lip removing the formula but the smirk stays. "What are you smirking at?" I laugh and continue to apply the cream to his handsome face.

"You just look incredibly hot standing between my legs, shaving my face. Your quite the romantic Josephine." The way he says Josephine this time sounds different then all the other times and it sends a zoo's worth of butterflies to take flight in the pit of my stomach.

I bite my bottom lip just to be a tease and his hands wrap around each my thighs.

Once the cream is applied I grab razor and stare at it. I've never done this before and now that I'm thinking about it I'm nervous, I don't want to accidentally hurt him.

"You'll be fine." He coaxed and grabbed my hand bringing the razor to meet his skin. I start doing light strokes down his face. Around his mouth and down his sharp jawline.

I'm moving at an unforgivably slow rate and Hero seems to get antsy. I finish with the razor and move on to wipe the excess shaving foam off his face with a towel. I apply his after shave and a little bit of my cerave moisturizer to his face and finish off with a peck on the lips.

I get up to go wash my face and do my skincare but Hero has another idea.

"You got to shave my face so now I get to do your skincare." He says with a smile reaching for my skincare bag.

"You don't even know what any of that stuff does." I laugh and lean back on the counter.

"Maybe not but I've watched you enough times to know the order of stuff." He proudly says and unzips the bag.

"If your heart desires, go for it." I say and he lifts me up onto the counter being cautious of my baby bump which is growing at speedy rates. He's really got to figure out how to tell his family because in a week or two no clothing I own will hide it.

Hero washes my face with my face wash and uses a face cloth to wipe the water off my skin.

"Do you remember what's next?" I ask since he's scrambling through my bag.

"Yeah...just give me a- ha found it!" He says pulling my Niacinamide serum out. He unscrews the bottle and applied drops to my cheeks and forehead before massaging it into my skin.

After he does my serums he squirts a pump of lotion into his palm and begins to rub that all over my face and neck.

Once he's done I praise him for paying attention to the little things and how much it means to me. We finish getting ready in the washroom and he watches me apply my makeup in the mirror.

Once I'm done my makeup and hair and Hero's gelled his hair back we got to pick out our outfits for the day.

I choose short shorts and a oversized polo sweater. I added some jewellery and my favourite channel purse that I haven't used in ages. I left my hair down naturally wavy and sprayed some perfume on. I slipped my loafers on and walked out of the bathroom to find Hero sitting on the bed in his incredibly hot outfit.

He's wearing a black top and pants set and topped it off with a statement piece brown wool jacket and a black satchel. I know he's a model and he looks hot in everything, but oh my lord. He's wearing his black boots and his go to gold chains. He smells like his cologne and I'm immediately drawn to him.

I walk over and wrap my arms around his neck pulling him down to kiss me. Our lips collide and he breaks the kiss first to catch our breath.

"You look stunning love." He says with his forehead resting on mine.

"And you look like you belong on a magazine." I kiss his cheek before putting my phone into my purse.

"You ready to go get breakfast." He asks and laughs when my stomach growls. "I'll take that as a yes." I laugh with him.

We head to breakfast and my nerves build up about apartment hunting. I hope we find the perfect home for us and our tiny family.

A/N: enjoy this cute little romantic filler chapter. Just thought they needed some clam in their busy schedule.

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