Chapter 38

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[Josephine's POV]

I wake up in the stack of fluffy white sheets that have decorated the king-sized bed. Hero's arm is draped across my stomach gripping me close to him in his sleep. I truly hope he forgives me for all that was said the other night. I feel awful no matter how much reassurance he has shown.

I lay here admiring the sleeping boy leaning against my chest. I wouldn't want anyone else as the father to my baby. I play with his long, grown-out hair for at least half an hour until he starts to fuss in his sleep. I know this fuss. It's the movements and sounds he makes right before a nightmare begins to get serious. I know he's struggled with night terrors from memories that were made back in London but he refuses to talk about them. I know how I feel when people force me to talk about things like that, so I don't force him to tell me. If the day comes and he's ready to talk, I'll be ready to listen but that's as far as I'll go until things start to get serious.

Hero's eyelids begin to flutter under my touch and I take that as my signal. I start to scatter kisses across his jaw and down his neck making sure to leave subtle marks along the way.

"Well good morning to you too." He smirks down at me with sleepy eyes.

"Good morning." I give him a cheeky smile and dramatically let my head fall onto his chest.

He starts to run his slender fingers through my hair and I groan as he massages my neck.

"Does that feel nice?" He asks as he continues down my neck. I can't even form a proper sentence so I just hum a reply telling him how amazing it feels.

"We need to go to the mall today love." He whispers. I really don't want to go to the mall and I know Hero prefers online shopping so why the hell do we need to go?

"Why? I don't wanna." I pout like the child I am but he just chuckles against my head.

"Because some genius decided to toss her phone at me with no warning and then chuck it at a wall for no good reason. I wonder who that could be..." I swat at his shoulder and hide my face in the blankets.

He lifts the sheets away from my face and pulls me back up to lay on his chest.

"Ya.. haha. I wonder." I sarcastically reply. I am super grateful he's not giving me shit right now for the way I treated him, but I'm feeling so nauseous I just want to lay here in silence trying to control my stomach.

Hero has been running his fingertips along my arms for the past couple of minutes. We have just laid here in comfortable silence. Well comfortable for him anyways. This whole time I have been trying my hardest to keep down my vomit.

Alas, I can't contain it any longer. Damn, morning sickness. I sit up quickly off Hero's chest and he opens his eyes confused. I cover my mouth and sprint out of bed and into our master bathroom. Of course, now is when he listens to me about closing the toilet seat! Ironic huh. I lift the lid and spew my meals from the past 24 hours out of me. This isn't my first rodeo, nor is it Hero's. He's always there when I feel morning sickness because technically his doing is playing a role in all the vomiting.

He walks into the washroom not even phased. He just kneels behind me as per usual and grips my hair around his fist. He knows how I feel about getting stuff in my hair, especially my own vomit, so keeping my hair back is always his first step.

Next, he begins to rub my back. I hate vomiting and Hero knows so the back rubbing is one of the things he does to show me I'm not alone.

"Hold on your going to get throw up on your new shirt. Lift your arms baby." So I do as I'm told and lift my arms above my head when the vomiting takes a pause. He removes my brand new t-shirt and I'm now left in my bra and PJ shorts. He reaches over to the countertop and grabs my favourite claw clip I've been wearing the past few days.

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