Chapter 48

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[Hero's POV]

Today has been one hell of a day and Jo thinks it's over. We've viewed three possible apartments so far but I know, deep down in my bones, I know this last one is the one.

Me and Jo have always had a similar style when it came to architecture. We both like very dark neutrals, filled with plants and old books, open space with the dark academic feel to it. I feel like this one is all our thoughts combined. Not to mention the room that's already planned to be for bean. Bean is expected in almost 3 and a half months. I know time flies. Especially when the rest of your life seems to be moving at the speed of light. You experience something, you blink and it's already gone.

We head to the car that's parked in the "last apartment complex" we had booked for the day and I unlock the door. Jo struggles a tad to get in comfortably considering how big her bump is now. If I were to compare it to fruit I would definitely say it was a cantaloupe. I know from talking to my mum that Jo's bump will only grow double the rate getting towards her third trimester and it will cause her some more physical pain than she's used to, however, I will do whatever she needs me to do for her and our baby.

Once Jo's sat in the passenger seat and buckled her seatbelt I feel a smile tug at my lips. I try and suppress it quickly but I just can't. The thought of living in that apartment with the love of my life and my soon to come child has me on cloud 9. I can just imagine the little version of me or Jo running around the open living room with Jo trailing after them, me on the sofa memorized by the blessing right before my eyes. It's so crazy how far away that feels but in all seriousness it's only a few months.

"Why are you smiling like that?" Jo questions staring at me.

"What you don't like my smile?" I say pretending to be offended, but yet again, the smile returns.

"Oh please, don't be stupid. I love your smile more than I love anything else, it's just overly smiley today and I can't figure out why." Jo says now smiling. That's one thing that I love between me and Jo. It's like a secret connection we share. She smiles, I automatically smile. I smile and so does she. It's like Simon says and I never want to stop playing.

"You'll see." I tease and look back at the road.

"No no no, you know I hate surprises! Spill!" She says sounding anxious. Jo is very planned out all the time. She doesn't like spontaneous but this will be worth it.

"I'm sorry my love, but I can't spill this one. You just have to wait..." I glance at the map on my screen. "...5 minutes."

She groans and leans her head on the window trying to act mad at me. I love fiesty Jo, she's so cute when she acts mad.

"Hey, Jo." I say.

She raises her head. "What?" She says with a tint of attitude.

"You know what?" I egg her on.

"What?" She crosses her arms and rests them on her belly.

"I love you." I hear her sigh.

"I love you too." She pauses. "But I'm still mad at you for not telling me." She adds.

"I know you are." I laugh and continue on with the drive.

Jo's leg's been bouncing the whole drive there. She really doesn't like not knowing things but this is just too good.

I pull into the parking lot of the building and her brows furrow with confusion. I'm so giddy that the outside of the building doesn't look like an apartment complex. This totally adds to the surprise.

"What are we doing here?" She questions taking in her surroundings.

"I have a surprise for you. Come on." I walk out of the car and around to her side. I open the door for her and assist her out of the seat. We walk hand in hand towards the building. She looks hesitant but intrigued.

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