Chapter 53

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[Hero's POV]

The two of us- me and Jo- have been through a lot of terrible shit together the past year. It was bumpy and full of major ups and dreadful downs but never once have we experienced something like this. This doesn't even fit on the theoretical scale of our life. This is a down so low that it's buried six feet under and then drag down some more.

Seeing the love of your life and the mother of your soon to be child being hauled up on a stretcher and rushed out of the front door with you sprinting after them with everything you could initially grab in hand; it's the worst feeling a father could experience.

You will never know pain, anxiety and complete and utter life shattering fear until you have been in my position.

They lifted the stretcher into the back of the ambulance and the engine purred as the sirens began.

"Sir I'm so very sorry but there's no room back here. If you want you can follow close behind us and meet your wife there." Wife. I almost laugh at the irony. I have been planning that moment for awhile now. I just haven't found the right moment. But yet here we are with Jo in critical condition in the back of an ambulance. No ring on her pretty little finger.

I give a quick nod before rushing to my car parked a few meters away from the ambulance.

I struggle getting the keys in while I watch the ambulance leave the parking lot from the window.

Once I put the car in drive I floor it and head out of the parking lot onto the unpopulated road. Thank god. I am going so far over the speed limit but at this point it's the last thing on my mind.

The hospital isn't to far away but yet the panic inside me picks up ever road closer to the building.

Five minutes into my drive my gaze is drawn out the window again. A wreck. And not just a tiny one. One with three cars piled nearly on top of one another. Windows smashed. Metal is burned and turned into ash. Glass is littering the road and blood is smeared all over.

My heart breaks for those people. Who ever they are. I just pray they're all okay.

I look back in front of me to make sure I don't get myself in a wreck either and continue the rest of the quick drive.


Once I pull into the emergency entrance I am quick to slam the car door shut and run inside like I'm being burned. It feels as if I am. My lungs burn. My heart burns. My eyes are burning from the salty tears that have been constantly glazing them. Everything burns.

I reach the front desk and the lady immediately looks up startled.

"Um my girlfriend she uh- she was rushed in here by paramedics. Josephine Langford she is pregnant and unconscious and I need to know where she is please. Please and thank you!" I babble out and try to catch my breath. Was any of that even English?

She types quickly on her computer while still catching glares up at me.

"Ah yes- Josephine. Oh..." she takes a quick moment to recover before looking up at me.





"It appears that she is waiting in the surgical room for..." she looks back at the screen "an unplanned c section."

My heart sinks.

I knew it was coming, I did.

I just hoped things could work out in our favour for once.

She gives me a sympathetic look.

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