Chapter 25

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[Josephine's POV]

Anna's words cut my insides apart like I could never imagine. How- what, what the fuck just happened. I thought out of everyone Anna would be the most supportive considering her deep love for her son and cheesy couples. 

"Jo..." Hero starts to say but the rest of his sentence is a complete blur. Truthfully my brain is spinning faster than ever before, my thoughts are slamming against my skull turning my vision black. 

I don't realize I'm crying until Hero runs his thumbs on my cheek catching the tears falling down my cheeks. I feel my breaths getting chocked inside my lungs but I can't have a panic attack here, not in public. The world and the fans don't know about my mental illnesses and I don't want to disappoint them in anyway. 

Hero leans into the crock of my neck and whispers. "Let's go back Jo, we can watch movies in bed and I'll hold you until you forget everything that just happened, okay?"

I sniffle back my urge to hyperventilate and nod letting Hero stand me up embracing me with his arm. 

As soon as my back hits the seat in Hero's rental car my head slowly falls to the window, my eyes flutter shut and everything goes black. I like the hollow, quiet, black that comes with sleep. In the back of my mind, ever since I was 15, I always wondered if the peaceful, painless feeling of sleep is what death was like. It's the silent pleasure of your closed eyelids that never ends. Is that truly what death feels like?

When I wake up I'm in Hero's bed, in his room. Like promised there's a random action movie playing on the tv and Hero is holding my close to his bare chest. Clinging to me like he never wanted to let go, even in his deep state of sleep. 

His lips loosely part like the always do. The corners of his mouth gently lifts into a smile when I run my fingers through his grown out hair. I love when the crew let's Hero grow his hair out. They have a right to tell him when and how to cut it for the film. 

I love this man with my whole heart. He says the feeling is mutual but my inner demons make me believe otherwise. He is everything to me and I wouldn't want to be in this beautifully chaotic situation with anyone but him. 

He groans a little and lifts his eyes to look at me playing with his hair.

"Hi." He says quietly in his raspy voice. I swear the strain in his voice after he just wakes up is the hottest thing ever.

"Hi." I repeat in the same whisper tone. 

"Guess what." He says so quietly it I almost miss it.

"What?" I lean my chin on his head and inhale the scent of his shampoo. 

"I love you Jo." He nuzzles his face into my chest and shifts his body onto my legs. He's been very careful around my stomach lately which just makes my stomach fill with butterflies. He is so considerate of our unborn child. 

I raise his chin up to face me like he always does to me. His deep green eyes staring into my bright blue ones is the most beautiful scene to be created by two. 

"I love you more than you will ever be able to imagine." I lean down and kiss him slowly to show him a slice of how much I mean my statement. He truly will never be able to comprehend how much he means to me. It's crazy to think that 2 months ago I had no idea who he was. I mean I watched the Harry Potter movie he had a role in but I was 12 so I wouldn't have remembered him.

"Did you know..." I start to say but for some reason a wave of embarrassment has taken over and rudely cut me off.

"Know what love?" I love when he calls me that and by the look on his face he knows it. 

"When I was little, like 12, I knew who you were. I rewatched the Harry Potter movie you starred in." I hide my face in his hair again so he can avoid seeing my flaming cheeks.

"Aye don't hide from me now..." He pulls away from me so he can see my face. "...I love that you did. To be honest I watched all your films and interviews a few days after I met you. I just needed to know more about the girl who made me fall head over heels." My cheeks flush again. He watched every interview I have ever done? I mean it's not a crazy amount but there are a few long ones. 

"You did?" I ask in such a high pitched whisper. I feel like a middle schooler after their crush just said they liked them back. Hero makes me feel young and innocent again and I love him for it. 

"Ya. I never thought I'd tell you, I didn't want you to think I was a stalker. Even though I was being a total stalker the day we met." He's now the one hiding his face.

"What do you mean?"

"The day at the club... I uh was watching you take shot after shot and when you got up to dance I saw a man immediately grab you. He wasted no time and it made me jealous it was him and not me dancing with you. So I watched you guys the whole time. Once you walked into the washroom I stared at the door waiting to see your black sequence dress glow under the club lights but you..."

"I never came out." I finish for him. The topic isn't only a sensitive spot for me but for Hero as well. He cared for me so much back then. We instantly clicked, it didn't matter if it was day one or day 20 knowing him, we always knew what each other was thinking. I guess some could say it was love at first sight. 

"I was scared shitless Jo."

I see his eyes start to brim with tears and my heart shatters. "I know it did." I kiss his forehead gently and when I pull away I rest my forehead against his and just breathe.

"Well I think you need some good news."

"Like what?" Hero looks at me confused. I know what he's thinking. 'What good news could possibly happen to us?' but I know this will excite Hero.

"I have an appointment tomorrow. An ultrasound to see our jellybean."

His eyes light up and his tears sink away. I love how such little news makes his face glow with happiness. 

"Really?! I get to see Jellybean?" He says almost shouting.

"Yes..." I giggle. "...but stop screaming you're going to wake everyone up." I put my finger to his lips.

"I don't care I want the world to know I get to see my baby tomorrow!" He kisses me and I smile against his lips.

"I'm so excited." He's back to whispering.

"I know you are." My smile is so big now that I think my jaw may break.

"I love you Jo..." He gently kisses my lips. "...and my little Jellybean." He kisses my stomach through my tank top. 

"We both love you Hero." I kiss his lips twice to resemble Bean kissing him too. 

I know he understands it when he smiles just as big as me. 

Hey guys! So all weekend I have been reading this book and that's the reason for my inactivity. Anyways I was so deeply obsessed with the book "The Hating Game" by Sally Thorne I literally couldn't put it down. I 100% recommend to all my readers who love spicy romance novels like myself. Anyways hope you enjoyed the book so far! Goodnight. <3

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