Chapter 26

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[Hero's POV]

Jo's alarm goes off and I groan in response to the treacherous noise. Jo is not having it today, she is shaking me by my shoulders repeatedly calling my name.

"Jo, I'm tired let me sleep!" I groan into my pillow.

"Sorry love but I can't do that! Remember what today is?" Shes now straddling my bare torso with a glistening smile plastered on her face.

I sort through all the recent dates I had memorized in my brain and shots fire like fireworks. I jolt up shifting Jo to straddle my lap.

"Holy shit it's now?"

"Yeah your coming right?" I've worried her by my shocked expression.

"Of course I'm coming I wouldn't miss it for the world!" I kiss her nose. She's about to climb off my lap but I lift the both of us out of bed and into the walk in closet. Thank god the hotel suits updated our room considering the problem with the trailers. They shipped them to a whole different state forcing the whole cast to stay in the hotel the whole film.

I sort through some of Jo's clothes she put in here considering the fact that she has slept in my room ever since she got back from the hospital. I will admit I am to worried to leave her alone in that room for to long. I fear the memories will be to much for her and she'll try again. I've been doing everything in my power to make her mental health journey as smooth as humanly possible but then again there's only so much one can do. I wouldn't say I'm walking on egg shells but I definitely do avoid certain situations to make sure my beautiful girl stays happy.

I grab one of her sun dresses. It's a white long sleeved dress with a frilly bottom. A v neck that makes me nervous but considering my fights back in London I could knock a perverted mans teeth out if needed. It has a fake string at the side that Jo always jokes about. She says that it's such an odd addition to the dress when it has no functioning purpose. I sit her down on the hotel chair kept inside the closet and hand her the dress and all her other essentials to get ready for the day.

"I love it when you pick out my outfits." She gushes up at me with bright pink cheeks and a smile that made me fall for her over and over.

"You do? Well I'll have to keep that in mind now ya?" I smirk at her. Anything I can do to keep that perfectly pure smile on her face, I will do.

"Yup!" She changes into her dress and stares at her shoes.

"What's wrong?" She freaks me out when she zones out like that.

"Oh nothing I was just thinking... remember the day we first met?"

"Ya how could I forget?"

"We were so awkward, we both refused to hold eye contact so we kept our gaze on our shoes. You said something along the lines of "nice shoes" and then gave me a smirk. I feel so hard for you then. I could literally feel the blood rush to my cheeks."

I smile at the nostalgic moment these shoes bring every time I see them. "I could see the blood rushing to your cheeks, it was no secret." I chuckle and she lightly swats at my arm.

"Don't test me Langford, you know what happens when we play fight and we have to be out of her by..." I look down at my watch. It's 10:25 am and we have to leave at 10:30. "...five minutes. You really want to miss beans first ultrasound?"

Her bottom lip sticks out in a pout. "No, I guess not." She sighs and slips her shoes on.

"Good, don't worry I'll make it up to you later." I give her a quick wink and walk into the washroom.

it starts and ends with the jordan'sWhere stories live. Discover now