Chapter 6

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[Josephines POV]

When I walk into the dining hall all eyes turn to me. I feel a bit uncomfortable but I'm just gonna keep my head down and enjoy the dinner with the cast.

Hero looks at me with worried eyes and I give him a small smile reassuring him that I'm okay.

We walk together towards the long table and take a seat beside each other.

No ones said a word, they all stared at me as if I was an alarm about to breakdown any moment now.

I feel a bit uncomfortable how no one is talking. I try to think of topic starters but fail miserably. Hero recognizes my eyes avoiding everyone and breaks the silence.

"So are you guys ready to start shooting next week?" Hero asks awkwardly.

"I'm so ready to see you all act, I know you'll all make me proud." Anna says with a beaming smile.

"I mean I'm nervous of course but I really do enjoy spending time with you all so I'm pumped." Inanna says while still looking at me.

"I'm really excited to start!" I say trying to break the awkwardness between the cast and myself.

They all look at my concerned and I officially can't take it anymore!

"Ok guys I get it I-I've been hiding away in my room for the past like what four days? I know your all just worried for me but at the club-"

"Jo you don't have to do this." Hero whispers but loud enough for everyone to hear.

"I know but I want to, I need everything to go back to normal. Back to what I was saying. At the club I got to drunk, I started dancing and a man joined me. I walked to the bathroom and no one was in there and when the door opened I didn't expect it to be him walking through the door. He pinned me against the wall and covered my mouth. He tried to take advantage of me when I couldn't defend myself but Hero saved my ass. That's it, end of story. The dress is gone. I took some time for myself and now I'm good. So before this dinner gets anymore awkward let's just all pretend nothing happened." I say staring at the food on my plate.

Hero reaches under the table and puts his hand just above my knee. I look over at him and he's smiling. A proud smile I'm guessing.

I smile right back at him putting my hand over top of his.


We walk out of the dining hall and the cast goes they're separate ways to their rooms.

Hero and me are the last ones out and i stop him before he can click the button to the elevator.

"You okay?" He asks me looking worried.

"Yes, surprisingly I'm good. That's not why I stopped you."

"What's up then." He turns to look me in the eye.

"Is your offer to hang out still valid?"

He looks at me wide eyed, I think I caught him off guard but I like the feeling when he smiles down at me.

"Of course it's valid. What do you have in mind."

"Hmm.." I have an idea and he may not be up for it but I ask anyways. "Well I don't know if you'll wanna do it."

"I'll go wherever you want, just name the place."

"Okay well I've always wanted run down the beach in the middle of the night and go night swimming. My parents had a fear of water so they never let me go to the beach without them."

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