Chapter 14

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Ash's POV

I unlocked the door and went inside, and I was blown away. I was in my new apartment and it was kind of overwhelming. After everything that has happened, I was glad that I could finally look at a new chapter of my life.

"You okay there, sweetie?" Lee asked and hugged me from behind.

"Yeah, I just got a bit blown away. It's beautiful, thank you so much guys." I said, giving them all a hug.

"You're very welcome babe." Perrie said, smiling at me. The girls showed me around, and when we were done, we went upstairs to Leigh and Jesy's floor. They showed me their apartments as well.

"I just got a text from Jackson, saying your stuff is here. Let's go get it, so you can get settled." Jade said, putting an arm around me, leading me towards the elevator.

We went down to the bottom floor and got my stuff. Then we went back to my floor, and carried all the boxes inside the apartment.

"We actually talked about having a 'moving in party', would you be okay with that. Just the five of us, and we'll buy some pizza or something." Lee asked, looking at me as she placed a box on the floor.

"Yeah sure, that sounds fun." I said, placing some books on a shelf.

"How about we come by at seven, and we'll bring the pizzas?" Jade suggested.

"Sounds great. I'll unpack my stuff in the meantime." I said, smiling.

"Okay, we'll get out of your hair." Jes said, heading towards the door.

"Wait Perrie, will you stay?" I asked, looking at Perrie.

"Of course I will." she said, smiling softly at me. The other girls headed out, closing the door behind them.

"What can I do for you my dear?" Perrie chuckled, realizing how funny that sounded.

"Will you hang some of the coats up by the door? They are in that box over there." I asked, as I put more of the books on the shelf.

"Sure." she said and began organizing the coats and shoes. There was silence for a while, before I finally decided to speak up.

"Pez?" I said, turning to look at her.

"Yes?" she said, turning around with a pair of shoes in hand.

"Can we talk?" I asked and sat down on the couch.

"Of course.. Anything specific in mind?" she asked and sat down next to me.

"Yes, I want to tell you what's been bothering me." I began. She nodded, signaling me to continue.

"The reason I was so distant in the car, back in Denmark, is that I was recently thrown out of my family. They do not accept me." I said and looked at her.

"What? Why?" she asked, confused.

"Because.. I'm gay." I said looking down, afraid to look at her.

"Ash, look at me." she said, softly pushing my chin up, forcing me to look at her.

"There is nothing to be ashamed of. I'm not judging you. You know that I'm gay as well, I'm with Jade. And none of the other girls are gonna judge you, we are like a family. I'm really glad you told me, cause now I can be there for you." she said, smiling softly. At this point I was crying, so she pulled me into a tight hug.

"You can always come to me, you know that." she said, as she wiped my tears away.

"Thanks Pez. You really are like the big sister I never had." I said, smiling at her.

"And I'm glad, I get to call you my little sis." she said, grinning.

"We should get back to unpacking. Thanks for listening, Pez." I said, getting up.

"Anytime sweetie, I'm always here." she said, getting up as well.

We organized the rest of my stuff, and by 6:30pm my place looked great.

"Thanks for the help, Pez. It really looks great." I said and gave Perrie a hug.

"You're welcome." she smiled as we pulled away.

"I've got a question." I said looking at her.

"Shoot." she said, sitting down on the couch.

"Have you planned on an opening act, for when we're going on tour?" I asked curious, sitting down beside her.

"Yeah, Hailee Steinfeld is gonna be our opening act. She's gonna come here in about eight months, two months before the actual tour starts." she explained.

"Cool, she's got great music. And she has always seemed like the sweetest." I said.

"Trust me, she is. I think you and her could become great friends." Pez said, smiling.

"I hope so.." I said, smiling as well. 

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