Chapter 93

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Ash's POV
I sat there, watching Hailee doing her job, for a couple of hours, till they got a break. Hailee was just finishing up a scene, as Anna sat in the chair next to mine.

"What's up?" she asked with a soft smile.

"The ceiling." I said, making her chuckle.

"True enough. How are you doing?" Anna asked, taking a sip of her water.

"I'm okay, it's fun to see how the show comes to life. You guys are really good." I said with a genuine smile, making her smile as well.

"Thank you. I just hope you won't get bored sitting here all day." she said and shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't think I will.. I rarely get bored when I'm watching Hailee." I said and winked, making her bark out a laugh.

"Of course not. You know, you're really funny. Good sense of humor." Anna said and smiled at me.

"Thanks." I simply said and looked back to the now empty set. Being confused as to where Hailee was, I tensed up, but quickly relaxed when I felt a pair of arms wrap around me from behind.

"Hey." Hailee whispered into my ear and placed a kiss on my cheek.

"Hello there." I said and leaned into her touch.

"Are you hungry?" Haiz asked, while playing with my hair.

"A little." I admitted and looked back up at her.

"Then come with me." she said and held her hand out for me, which I took and laced our fingers together. She led me to the buffet and handed me a plate. "Take whatever you want." she said with a smile and kissed my cheek.

"Thank you." I said with a huge smile on my face. We both filled our plates and each got a bottle of water, before sitting at a nearby table.

"Do you like watching the show like this?" Haiz asked and took a bite of her mac and cheese.

"I do, it's interesting to see what happens behind the scenes.. But let's be real, I just love watching you in general." I answered with a wink, making her giggle.

"Smooth." she said with a smirk.

"As butter." I replied and took a sip of my water, just as Adrian, Anna and Ella came over to our table.

"Hello, lovebirds. Mind if we sit here?" Adrian asked, with a smile.

"Of course not, sit down." Hailee said with a sweet smile, as the others sat down.

"I just talked to Alena and she said that we only have one scene left to do today." Ella said with a smile and the others cheered.

"Whoo! We get off early today!" Anna said excitedly.

"You're basically free to go already.. it's a scene just with Hailee and I.." Ella said and I could feel the jealousy boil inside of me. I know it's just on screen.. but oh how I hate seeing Hailee with someone else.. Hailee must have felt me tensing, cause she took my hand under the table, giving it a light squeeze.

"Guys, we gotta get the last scene shot. So if you're ready, brush your teeth and come to set." a woman, who I assume would be Alena, said with a smile and exited the break area.

"Let's do it." Hailee said and stood up, followed by the rest of us. We walked to the set, where Hailee and Ella brushed their teeth and got their hair and makeup touched up.

"I'll see you in a bit." Hailee said to me and pecked my cheek, before walking into the onscreen bedroom, where the scene took place. I sat in Hailee's directors chair, between Anna and Adrian.

"Action!" we heard Aleana shout and the scene started to unfold in front of us. As I had feared it was a very intimate scene between Hailee and Ella's characters. The sight of Hailee making out with someone else, made my blood boil..

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I felt a hand on my arm and I quickly snapped my head around to look at Anna, who had a soft smile on her face.

"It's just a scene." she whispered and I nodded softly, before looking back at the scene. I watched Hailee kiss down Ella's neck, while Ella grabbed Hailee's hair..

Just as I was about to lose it, Alena yelled cut, making me calm down a little.

Hailee came over to me, with that smile I love so much, all over her face.
"Is something wrong, baby?" she asked, concerned, when she saw my facial expression.

"I'm fine." I huffed and tried my best to look like I meant it.

"Don't lie to me." she said seriously and grabbed my hand, pulling me with her. She opened the door to the bathroom and pulled me with her inside, before locking the door behind her. Crossing her arms across her chest, she looked down at me and raised an eyebrow.

"Please tell me." she said and her expression softened, when she saw my teary eyes. Because of my hesitation, she stepped closer to me and pulled me into her arms.

"I just wanna make sure, you're okay." she said softly and kissed the top of my head.

"It's nothing.. it's stupid.." I mumbled into her neck, as she stroked my back softly.

"If something is upsetting you, it isn't stupid." she said, pulling back enough to look me in the eyes.

"I.. I just don't like seeing you with someone else.." I said, barely loud enough for her to hear. She smiled softly at me and wiped away the one tear that had rolled down my cheek.

"Baby, that is just part of my job.. but I get it. There's nothing wrong with feeling that way. But you need to remember one thing; I might kiss someone in a scene, but you are the one that I choose to go home with." she said, making me smile.

"Why don't you take me home then?" I asked with a smirk, making her smirk as well.

"There's the flirty goofball, I love so much." she said and pulled me into a soft kiss.

"I love you too. Wanna get out of here?" I asked, taking her hand in mine.

"Yes please." she said and let me guide her out to her trailer, where she quickly got changed, before we raced home to her apartment...

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