Chapter 134

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Hailee's POV

I woke up the next morning and immediately smiled, when I saw my wife laying with her head on my chest, her arm wrapped tightly around my waist.

The fight from the night before replayed in my head and I couldn't help but feel guilty. Afterall, I had been away from them both for so long, but that was all gonna change now. I texted my manager, telling him that I was taking a few days off and that I was gonna work mostly from home from then on forward.

Oh my stars, how I have missed this; just laying in bed with Ash cuddled close to me. Just as that thought entered my mind, I felt my wife stirring on top of me. I smiled softly and ran my fingers through her hair, making her sigh happily, before taking her head off my chest to look at me.
"Good morning, beautiful." I said and caressed her cheek ever so softly.

"I've missed hearing those words from you." she replied and pressed a soft kiss to my lips.

"I've missed saying them, but don't worry, you're gonna hear them a lot more from now on. I talked to my manager and I have the next few days off, and I'm gonna start working from home a lot more." I said with a soft smile, making her smile as well.

"Good." she replied and kissed my lips again.

"Even though I love laying here with you, I really wanna go see Naya." I said with a soft smile.

"Fair enough, I can't always have you to myself." Ash chuckled and rolled over on her back, so I could get up and get dressed, which I quickly did.

"I'll see you in a little bit. You should get dressed." I said and leaned down, pressing a lingering kiss to her lips.

"Will do." she replied and got out of bed, as I left the room.


I walked down the hall to our daughter's room, stepping inside without making a sound. An instant smile spread across my face, as soon as I saw my little angel sound asleep. I slowly walked over to her and sat down on the edge of the bed.

"Hey, peanut, time to wake up." I said softly and ran my hand through her hair, causing her chocolate brown eyes to snap open, locking with mine.

"Mommy!" she shrieked and jumped into my arms, hugging me tightly.

"Hi, baby, I missed you." I said and held her close.

"I missed you too, mommy." Naya replied, squeezing her small arms around my neck.

"Don't worry, I will be home more now." I said, pulling back a little, so that I could look her in the eyes.

"Promise?" Naya asked, holding out her pinky finger for me.

"I promise." I said and hooked my pinky with hers, causing a bright smile to spread across her face. "I love you so much, angel." I said and kissed both of her cheeks, making her giggle in the cutest way ever. Oh, how I have missed that sound.

"I love you too, mommy." she replied, making me smile even more.

I heard the floorboards creak a little, making me look towards the door, where Ash stood, leaning against the doorframe with a big smile on her face. We locked eyes, as she made her way over to us, sitting down on the other side of Naya.
"Mama!" Naya said excitedly and hugged Ash tightly.

"Good morning, sweetie." Ash chuckled and hugged our daughter back.

"Mommy promised to be home more." Naya said happily and looked into Ash's eyes.

"I know." Ash replied with a bright smile and looked up at me, sending me a wink.


We all went downstairs together and ate breakfast as a family for the first time in two weeks. The entire day actually just went by, with us being together, doing all kinds of things. At the moment we're in the living room. Ash is playing guitar, while Naya is sitting on my lap singing along with me to whatever Ash is playing.
"Mama, can you play my song, please?" Naya asked, just as Ash had finished up on a song.

"Your song?" I asked, confused and looked over at Ash, seeing if she knew what Naya was talking about.

"Of course, baby." Ash said with a soft smile, causing Naya to clap her hands happily.

"What song is this?" I asked, locking eyes with Ash.

"Slipping Through My Fingers." Ash replied with a smile.

"When did that become your song, peanut?" I asked, making Naya look up at me.

"Me and mama were watching Mamma Mia, and then mama said the song reminded her of me, so she was singing it to me." Naya explained. Before we got to continue, Ash started to stum her guitar, singing the song softly. I began singing as well, smiling down at Naya, running my fingers through her hair softly, before looking back up at Ash, who was smiling softly at us, causing me to grin back at her.


"That was amazing! It is so much better when mommy is singing too. You're good mama, but it's better when you both sing." Naya said excitedly, when the song came to an end, causing both me and Ash to crack up laughing.

"I agree, sweetie, mommy makes everything better." Ash said and sent me a flirty wink, making me blush.

"Why is mommy red in the face?" Naya asked, poking me softly in the cheek, making me giggle.

"Because, I'm so happy and I love you both so much." I replied and started peppering kisses all over Naya's face, and ended it with blowing raspberries on her cheek, making her burst out in giggles.

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