Chapter 127

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Hailee's POV

We pulled up outside my parents house and parked beside Griffin's car. As Ash was putting the car in park, I turned around looking at Naya.

"You ready?" I asked with a smile and she nodded, but I could see that she was nervous. "It's gonna be okay, we are right here with you." I said, making her smile a little. We got out of the car and Ash picked Naya up, carrying her on her hip.

We went right in and as we were taking our coats and shoes off, I could hear mom in the kitchen.
"Let's meet grandma first, okay?" I said and Naya nodded softly, still a nervous look on her face.

"Hey mom." I announced our presence, making my mom turn around and she smiled widely when she saw Naya in Ash's arms.

"Hi sweetheart, I'm your grandma." Mom said with a soft smile, making Naya relax a little bit.

"Hello." Naya said in a shy tone, her hands clutching at Ash's shirt.

"It's okay to be nervous, honey, but just know that I am very happy to meet you." mom said with a soft smile, making Naya smile shyly.

"Do you wanna meet grandpa?" Ash asked and Naya nodded with a small smile. We went outside on the patio, where Griffin and my dad were in the middle of grilling.

"Dad, this is your grandchild, Naya. Naya, that is grandpa." I said, as my dad came over to us with a warm smile.

"Hello sweetie, nice to meet you." Dad said and smiled at Naya.

"Hello." Naya said with a small smile, as Griffin came over as well.

"That is your uncle Griffin." Ash said and pointed at Griffin.

"Nice to meet you, kiddo." Griff said with a big smile, making Naya smile as well.


The family got to know Naya a bit more and she gradually became more and more comfortable around them. When we sat down to eat she chose to sit between Ash and Griffin, which I didn't mind at all, since that just meant that she was comfortable with him.

After eating, Naya ran around playing in the backyard for a while.
"Uncle Griff, come here." Naya said, causing Griffin to look at me.

"Go for it." I chuckled and Griffin jogged over to Naya, crouching down next to her. I could see that she was saying something to him, but I couldn't hear what. Griffin nodded, making Naya smile before she kicked the ball she was playing with, as hard as she could and Griffin went to get it, kicking it back to her softly. I grinned, watching my brother play and get along so well with my daughter.

"Babe, look." I said, making Ash turn her face away from the conversation she was having with my dad.

"Adorable." Ash said with a smile, making my dad look as well, also smiling.


A little while later mom came out of the house, with a nicely wrapped gift in her hands.
"Naya, sweetheart, can you come here for a second?" mom asked, causing Naya to come running to her. "This is for you." mom said and handed Naya the gift.

"Thank you." Naya said with a big smile, before sitting down on the ground with the package between her legs. She started to rip off the paper and when she opened the box inside, her eyes widened and a big smile appeared on her face. She reached inside and pulled a little stuffed duck out of the box. "Thank you so much!" Naya shrieked and hugged my mom tightly.

"You're welcome, sweetie." Mom said with a smile.

"What are you gonna name it?" Ash asked and smiled softly at Naya.

"Georgie." Naya replied with a big smile on her face.

"I like that." I said and smiled softly.

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