Chapter 102

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Hailee's POV
I woke up very confused, due to the fact that Ash wasn't next to me. Looking around the room, I quickly spotted her.. on the floor. "Okay then." I thought to myself. She had rolled herself into a blanket and she looked like a cuteass burito, making me chuckle to myself. I got out of bed and crouched down next to her and brushed some hair out of her face, making her stir a little. I carefully lifted her up, bridal style, and placed her on the bed. I gave her a quick kiss on her forehead, before going into the bathroom and taking a shower. 

As I was rinsing out my shampoo, I heard the bathroom door open, then close. I smirked to myself and waited patiently. A big smile spread across my face, when I felt a pair of familiar arms wrap around me from behind.

"Morning, babe." I said and felt her lips on my shoulder.

"Morning, mi amor." Ash said, as I turned in her arms. I slowly leaned down and she met me halfway in a lovely kiss, making us both smile like complete idiots when we pulled apart.

We switched positions, so she could wet her hair, before I helped her wash it. We both washed and conditioned our hair, before getting out of the shower and drying off.


"What should we get for breakfast?" Ash asked as she pulled a shirt over her head.

"I'm taking you out to brunch." I simply replied and pulled my pants on.

"Really?" she asked with the cutest smile on her face. I nodded my head and tied my shoes as she came over to me. She stood in between my legs and grabbed my face in both hands and lifted it up, locking eyes with me, before leaning down and pressing her lips against mine.

"I love you." she whispered against my lips, making me smile.

"And I love you." I said and stood up, pressing a kiss to her forehead before putting on my jacket. Ash pulled on her leather jacket and grabbed my hand, as we left the apartment.

We decided to walk to the cafe, since it was just around the corner. We sat in a booth and looked over the menu, before the waitress came over to us.

"Good morning ladies, how can I help you?" the waitress asked with a smile.

"We would like to have the brunch, please." I said with and smiled as well.

"Brunch for two. And what would you like to drink?" the waitress asked and wrote something down on her paper.

"I would like an iced tea, please." I said and looked over at Ash.

"Could I have a hot chocolate, please?" Ash asked with a shy smile.

"Of course, I'll be right back." the waitress said and disappeared to get our drinks.

The waitress returned with our drinks, and a little while later with the food.

"Do we have any plans for today?" Ash asked and took a bite of her pancake.

"Not really.. How about we just have a lazy day?" I suggested.

"You know I'm always up for that." she said and winked, making me chuckle.

"By the way, I have a studio session tomorrow, so do you wanna come with me and watch me record your song?" I asked and took a sip of my iced tea.

"I would love to." she replied with a smile.

"I'll text my managers and let them know." I said and smiled as well.


After eating we went and picked up Martini from the apartment, before going for a walk in the park. We walked next to a lake and I spotted a family of ducks, making a big smile appear on my face.

"Babe, look." I said and pointed to the ducks.

"Aww how cute." Ash said with a smile.

"Do you remember how you lied to the girls, back in the day, and said that the reason you were smiling was because we saw a family of ducks in the park?" I asked with a smirk.

"Oh yeah, that's right. I don't think Jade bought it though.. She kept looking at me with that stupid smirk." Ash said with a laugh.

"I remember that, I was so confused. I didn't understand why you were looking at each other like that." I chuckled, as we exited the park.

We went home and just relaxed for the rest of the day, before crawling into bed and going to sleep.

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