Chapter 27

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Ash's POV

Now was the time! It was the perfect moment. We were all alone, and the girls would be gone for a while. I turned to look at her.

"Hailee, can we talk?" I asked and she gave me a concerned look.

"Yeah, what's up?" she asked and sat up.

"I really don't know how to say this.. Please don't get mad.." I began.

"Hey hey, I'm not gonna get mad. You can talk to me, and you know that." she said.

"Okay, here goes.. I like you.. Like, I really like you.. More than in a friendly way.. You know? And I don't know.. I just really like you.." I started rambling, and before I could continue, she shut me up, by pressing her lips against mine. Before I even got to kiss back, she pulled away.

"I'm sorry.. I shouldn't have done that.. It's just that, I really like you too.." she said, and I decided to shut her up. I pulled her by her neck, and slammed my lips against hers. It didn't take long until she started kissing me back. It felt like our lips were made for each other, they moved so perfectly together. Air soon became an issue, so we had to pull apart. We smiled at each other and I softly leaned my forehead against hers.

"Oh my stars." she said, making me giggle.

"I know." I said and brushed my nose against hers.

"Babe?" she asked, looking at me.

"Yes, beautiful?" I asked, smiling at her.

"Will you please go out with me?" she asked, making me smile even more.

"I was gonna ask you the same thing." I giggled.

"So, that's a yes?" she asked, smiling at me. I crawled on top of her and kissed her.

"Of course, it's a yes." I said and leaned down, I captured her lips in another soft kiss.

We ended up cuddling and watching some glee, and of course stealing some kisses here and there. Then we heard the front door open, and I quickly shot up.

"Can we agree on not telling the girls anything yet?" I asked quietly.

"Of course, babe." she said and winked at me. Just then there was a knock at the door, and then it opened to reveal Jade.

"Hey guys, we're done with the meet and greet now, so we talked about getting some food. You want some?" Jade asked, looking at us.

"Yeah sure." I said and got up, quickly followed by Hailee.

We went into the front lounge, and ordered some club sandwiches. I sat down by the table, and Hailee of course sat next to me. She carefully took my hand under the table, lacing our fingers together. I put my head on her shoulder and gave her hand a squeeze. Jes and Leigh went to pick up the food, so Jade and Pez decided to get some drinks. Since all of them had headed out, me and Hailee didn't have to hide.

"Babe?" Hailee asked, making me take my head off her shoulder.

"Yeah?" I asked, smiling at her.

"Would it be okay if I kissed you?" she asked, blushing a little.

"Baby, you don't have to ask permission. Just don't do it while the others are here." I said, before capturing her lips in a soft kiss.

"Gosh I love you.." she said, making me go wide eyed.

"Oh my stars, I didn't mean to say that. I mean, I do love you, but I shouldn't have said it so soon. Please don't hate me." she rambled on, and I shut her up with another kiss.

"It's okay baby. I'm actually glad you said it, cause I love you too. And for the record, I could never hate you." I said, when we pulled apart. She smiled widely at me and pecked my lips once more.

Then we heard someone press the code to the bus, so we quickly sat up, acting like nothing had happened. And then Pez and Jade came inside with some sodas and stuff.

"Hi guys." Pez said and placed the bottles on the table.

"Hello." I said, smiling at her.

"Lee just texted saying, they're a bit late due to traffic." Jade said, putting her phone down and sitting on a couch, Pez sat down next to her and they cuddled up together.

I shot Hailee a look, making her smirk at me. Luckily Jerrie didn't see that, they were too wrapped up in each other. Pez leaned down and kissed Jade deeply, making Jade moan loud enough for me and Hailee to hear.

"That could be you and me." Hailee whispered in my ear, making me giggle, before smacking her arm.

"Where did shy Hailee go?" I whispered back, making her smirk at me.

"You miss her?" she whispered and pouted.

"A little, yes." I whispered, making her chuckle. I took her hand and laced our fingers.

Just then the door opened, revealing Jes and Lee with the food.

"Sorry for the wait, traffic was crazy." Jesy said and placed a bag with food on the table. We ate lunch and watched a movie, before getting ready for the show.

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