Chapter 117

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Ash's POV
I stood in my dressing room in the wedding venue and stared at myself in the mirror, waiting for the moment where I would be walking down the aisle. As I took one last look at my dress, to make sure everything looked good, the girls came into the room.

"We need to get up front. Do you have everything you need?" Pez asked.

"Yeah, I'm good. Thank you, girls, for all your help." I replied and hugged Perrie, Jade and Leigh, before they left the room. I turned to Jesy, who had a bright smile on her face.

"Are you ready?" she asked and offered me her arm. I nodded and grabbed ahold of her arm, letting her lead the way.

The doors opened and we started walking down the aisle, towards where Griffin stood, he was the one who was gonna marry us. We came to the end of the aisle and I gave Jesy a quick hug, before she joined the other girls behind me. I smiled at Griffin, before looking back down the aisle, where I could see Hailee being led by Peter towards me. Hailee's eyes locked with mine and I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. They stopped in front of me and Griffin, and she gave her dad a quick hug, before coming up and standing in front of me with a beautiful smile on her face, which I returned without a second thought.

"Friends, family, we are gathered here today to witness Hailee and Ash join each other in marriage." Griffin started his speech, making both Hailee and I smile even wider.

"Hailee, you are my little sister and I couldn't have asked for a better one. You are so kind and loving and you deserve the absolute best. And that is where Ash comes in. Ash, when I met you, I could see just how much you love Hailee." He continued.

"I never liked it when Hailee brought someone home, but when I met you, I knew there was something different about you.. And the thing that is so different is how you treat Hailee. You treat her with nothing but respect and love." Griffin said with a smile.

"I got to know you, Ash, and we ended up becoming good friends and you deserve the best as well. And of course that's where Hailee comes in. Hailee, I have never seen you love anyone as much as you love Ash. You two are so perfect for each other and getting married will just make your relationship even stronger than it already is." He said, the smile never leaving his face.

"I will save the rest for my toast tonight. So let's get right to it." Griffin said, making my heart skip a beat. This is it.

"Ash Lopez, do you take Hailee Steinfeld to be your wife, to love and honor her, to comfort her, in sickness and in health, for as long as you both shall live?" Griffin asked and looked at me. I shifted my gaze to Hailee and smiled at her.

"I do." I answered, my smile bright as ever.

"Hailee Steinfeld, do you take Ash Lopez to be your wife, to love and honor her, to comfort her, in sickness and in health, for as long as you both shall live?" Griffin then asked and looked at Hailee, who smiled at me.

"I do." she replied, grinning at me. We both slid the rings on each other's fingers, after Griffin had told us to.

"I now announce you, wife and wife, you may kiss." was all Griffin got to say, before Hailee had grabbed my waist, pulling me close, before closing the gap, kissing me softly, and I poured just as much love into the kiss, before we pulled apart, both with huge smiles on our faces. The room full of our friends and family cheered, as Hailee grabbed my hand, lacing our fingers together.

"It's my great pleasure to present, for the first time ever; Mrs and Mrs Lopez-Steinfeld." Griffin said, as we started walking back down the aisle, smiling at all the guests as we passed them.


We headed out to the car and drove to the building where the party would be taking place. I parked the car and turned to look at Hailee and we both smiled like crazy.

"I love you so much." I said and started to lean in.

"I love you more, wifey." Haiz replied with a small smirk, before closing the gap between us, in a sweet kiss.

"This is the best day of my life so far." I said after we had pulled apart.

"Same. What could possibly top it?" she asked with a grin.

"The day we have children." I replied, making her bite her lip to hide her smile.

"True enough. Until then, this will be the best day." Haiz chuckled and pecked my lips once more.

"We should go inside. The guests will be arriving soon." I said and got out of the car, and Hailee quickly got out as well. I walked over to her, grabbed her hand and led her inside.

The room in which the party would take place was so beautifully decorated. The amount of fairy lights were to die for. The tables each had a vase with a bouquet of white and light blue roses, matching our wedding bouquets.

"This is so perfect." Hailee said with a smile, as we looked around the room.

"Absolutely." I agreed and pulled her closer to me. She smiled softly at me, before leaning down, pressing her lips against mine. The sound of people cheering made us jump apart. We both turned our heads towards the door, where our closest friends and family were standing, some taking pictures while others just stood there smiling at us. In came Hailee's family, her bridesmaids, my bridesmaids as well as my cousin and my cousin's cousin.

"Congratulations, girls, we're so happy for you." Cheri said and came over, pulling us both into a hug.

"Thanks mom." Haiz said and we both smiled at her mom. The rest of them came over, congratulating and hugging us as well, before the rest of the guests began to shuffle in. We talked to everybody and enjoyed the rest of the afternoon. Then around 6pm it was time for the actual party...

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