Well, phooey

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I stood in the living room as everyone stared at me. Elias tilted his head and narrowed his eyes. I did what any sane girl would do. I left the house. Yeah, I'm not stupid.

A nice walk will help me to relax.


Well, I thought it would.


I stopped and turned as Wendy ran towards me. She stopped and raised her finger while she caught her breath. Wendy inhaled then blew air past her lips.

"Okay, much better."

I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"You walk fast."

"I walk normally. Plus, who wants to deal with that lunacy." I gestured at my house.

"Lunacy with people assuming that you're pregnant."

"Which I'm not." I gave Wendy a look.

Wendy fidgeted with her hands.

"What in God's green earth would possess you to take a pregnancy test at my house? Then leave the evidence in my trash can."

"It's better than leaving the stick in my trash can. I haven't told Owen yet."

"Then tell Owen, so I can tell my mom the truth before Nora goes crazy with buying baby items."

"I wanted a romantic dinner with a baby theme."

"You peed on a stick and flushed romance down the toilet."

"I know."

"Have you and Owen discussed having kids?"

"We discussed it."

I arched my brow.

"Well, we mentioned it in passing."

"How do you mention kids in passing? That's like saying, Hunny, I'm pregnant, pass the sugar."

"Ooh, I could say that at family dinner."

"No." I shook my head.

"What's wrong with mentioning during dinner when people are passing dishes?"

"Because you tell the father first."

"But you were the first to find out."

"Because you took a pregnancy test in my bathroom and left the evidence, you dingbat!"

"Well, phooey."

I rubbed my temples. While Wendy pondered how to tell Owen, Elias found us halfway down the road.

"Is there something you want to tell me?" Elias asked me.

"Yeah, Wendy is pregnant."

"Tori!" Wendy said.

Elias's face snapped in Wendy's direction.

"Wendy wants to tell everyone during family dinner. Pass the peas, and I'm pregnant." I put my palms on my hips.

"You don't tell the father-to-be that he'll be a daddy at a family dinner. Are you insane?" Elias asked Wendy.

"Well, how should I tell Owen? Yo, Daddy! You have some hearty swimmers! Pass the gravy."

I placed my face in my palm. Are we discussing how to tell Owen the news?

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