Well, the cousins have lost their minds

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I tried to focus on the house, but my phone kept ringing. My cousins kept calling me about issues with their weddings. Do I look like a counselor?

I shook my head.

"What's wrong with you?"

"The cousins have lost their damn minds."

Owen chuckled.

I directed crew members with what I wanted. "Everyone has called me about their weddings. How the hell should I know if you have Beef Wellington as a choice? Who cares what color your tux is? Flowers aren't important to me."

Owen laughed because he suffered through wedding planning.

I shook my head. I didn't have time for this shit.

"What did you and Tori decide?"

"We're having a small wedding with close family."

"Smart man."

I rolled my eyes. We worked late on the house. Time was of the essence with the house.


My phone buzzed. I checked my messages and snickered. The cousins were whining to Elias about their weddings again. I didn't understand their logic. The cousins weren't getting married until after us.

I finished my article and submitted it to Payton. Then I checked my emails. An hour later, my computer dinged with a message.

I opened it and smiled.

Love it! - Payton

I pulled another piece and started reading through it. Now, it's time to research the information. I didn't mind writing unique interest pieces. People were fascinating.

My phone vibrated. I checked my message and found one from Luna.

I sent the manuscript to an editor. The editor said to give them a few weeks for revisions. - Luna

Sounds good. - Me

I scrolled through information while reading. Before I knew it, five o'clock came. I packed up and grabbed my bag, then left.  I had plans.


The painters arrived, and I explained the color scheme to them. Then I picked out the lighting for the rooms. Owen framed the windows as a car pulled up out front.

"Knock, knock," someone said.

I noticed Tori holding bags. She strolled towards me.

"Have I told you how much I love you?"

"Not lately, but you can tell me again." Tori smiled.

I kissed her and took the bags. "Owen, Tori brought Chinese!"

Work boots thumped against the floorboards. "Tori, you're a lifesaver."

Owen took a bag and walked over to a bench. We joined him and ate.

Tori glanced around. "The house is coming along."

I dug into my food. "It's a work in progress but on scheduled."

"How's the job?" Owen asked Tori.

"I love it. Payton is an amazing boss."

"We're inviting Payton and his brothers to the wedding."

"It would make sense since they are family." Tori gave me a look like I lost my mind.

I rolled my eyes. Owen laughed. We ate dinner and talked. Then Tori left, and we got back to work.

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