Past events

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A pounding woke me from a dead sleep. I crawled out of bed as Nora slept and answered the front door. "Oliver? What are you doing here?" I rubbed my eyes.

Oliver fidgeted in his spot. "Matt, there's been a situation."

I furrowed my brows and exhaled, then slipped my feet into my boots and pulled on my coat.

"Matt? What's going on?" Nora asked.

"I don't know."

Nora knitted her brows as I left with Oliver. My gut told me that my past would resurface. One, I thought I had buried.

Oliver drove until we arrived at a hospital. We exited the car and hurried inside to shouting. When we reached the area, I stopped.

"What do you mean there's nothing you could do?" Bradley questioned with a raised voice. "You told us you would help!"

Conner held back Bradley from Oliver's grandfather.

"Bradley, we were transferring Tim in the morning," Dr. Shaw reasoned.

"Then how did he die?"

Dr. Shaw knitted his brows.

Bradley pushed Conner away. "Our brother smiled! He talked to us! How could you let him die? How?" Bradley's voice cracked as he sobbed.

Conner wrapped his arms around Bradley.

"Conner, bring Tim back! Please!" Bradley gripped Conner's coat and wailed.

Oliver glanced at me as I nodded. No one needed to explain what happened to Tim Wilson to me. I understood better than anyone.

I walked towards Bradley and Conner as sobs wracked Bradley's body. Conner glanced at me and moved aside. I wrapped my arms around Bradley and rubbed the back of his head as he sobbed.

Schizophrenia is a complex illness to understand. Some people manage it and live their lives. Then you have the ones who can't handle the condition.

I led Bradley out of the hospital and drove him to my house in his car. On our way, I contacted Nora but didn't elaborate on the phone. It's not the news you deliver over the phone.

I pulled into the driveway as the front door opened. We got out of the car and headed into the house. Bradley stood in our living room with his hands shoved into his pockets.

"Nora, can you call Kain and make some coffee?" I asked.

"Of course," Nora said.

Nora left the living room as I removed my coat. Ten minutes later, someone knocked on the door. I opened it as Kain entered. He stepped towards Bradley.

"Tim's gone. The staff checked on him and found him hanging in his room," Bradley said.

"Tim was ill," Kain reasoned.

"It doesn't matter. My dad caused Tim's death. If Tim had gotten help, he would be here. He wouldn't have attacked Tori. I would still have my brother. But no one cares."

Nora entered the room, but I raised my hand. She stopped.

"No one cares if you're ill. No one cares if you need help. No one cares because it doesn't affect them."

Nora backed away and disappeared from view. My wife knew who to call.

Bradley paced the living room. "Who gives a shit if someone needs help? Oh, Tim Wilson is a nut job! Punish Tim Wilson! Tim Wilson is a danger to society!" Bradley stopped and faced us as tears dropped down his cheeks. "Tim was my brother."

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