Baby showers

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With the holidays behind us, we had baby showers to attend. Specifically Wendy and mine. Wendy had her shower first, which was fine. Between the weddings and my pregnancy, I was ready to evict the baby. Plus, I was still working.

Wendy received most of what she needed, and the shower was lovely. I needed a nap.

My mom and Nora were planning our baby shower. Thank God. I didn't care what they did. I still wanted a nap.

January flew as the 31st arrived, and so did my baby shower. No one tells you that you become a house. I used to have feet, but they disappeared. I gave up hope of everything seeing my feet again.

Elias was running late because of a client. It seems the client made last-minute changes to their stupid house. Yeah, I wasn't a happy camper. Can you blame me?  I can't see my feet, and the inn became full.

I arrived at the venue and waddled my butt into the place.

Mom met me at the door. "Where's Elias?"

"The client made last-minute changes to the house and wouldn't compromise unless Elias met with her."

Mom arched her brow.

"No, Elias isn't cheating on me. The woman is a bitch." I walked away, leaving my mom shocked.

Elias isn't the type to cheat. Most people disagree. But have you met his dad? Matt would string up Elias by his toes.

I found a seat and removed my coat. I needed to sit down and needed a nap.


I revised the house plans for the client. She kept changing her mind.

"I'm not sure if it suits me. What do you think?" The client bit her bottom lip.

"Mrs. Lexington, I made the changes you requested. You said you would compromise if I met you today. You still haven't kept your word."

"We could have dinner and discuss the changes." The client ran her finger up my arm.

I removed her hand from me. "I don't know what game you're playing, but I have no interest. If you refuse to the changes, you can find another construction company."

The client crossed her arms. "I hired you to build me a house."

"And you're demanding." I rolled up the plans.

"I don't like your tone."

I binder the drafts. "And I don't like your behavior. If you want a dalliance with someone, find another sucker."

The client got offended, and I left. I didn't care because I'm not into cheating. Tori trusts me. Why break her trust?

Plus, I'm needed elsewhere.


I shifted in my chair. Contractions started but were Braxton Hicks. I've been having them off and on the last month. The doctor said it was normal. Normal my ass.

People talked as I tried to get comfortable. Did you ever sit in a chair with a bunch of people, and you're cranky? It's not fun.

Mom checked on me. I told her I was okay. Nora checked on me. I told her I was okay. Everyone checked on me. I told them to stop. If I had the baby today, it would be a blessing.

The place set out the food. Ugh. I didn't want to get up. Mom and Nora tried to coax me. It didn't work. The baby was more rambunctious than usual.

"You should eat," someone told me.

"I said that I'm not hungry."

"Are you sure?"

I turned my head to see Elias. He smiled.

"I guess I could eat."

Elias chuckled and helped me out of my seat. We made our way to the food.

"What took you so long?" I asked Elias.

"The client was difficult, then tried to seduce me."

"What did you say?"

"I told her it was the house, or she finds a new construction firm. Plus, she pissed me off by keeping me from you and our son."

"Well, she's an idiot and desperate."

Elias chuckled. Some men would hop on the chance to cheat with another person. Elias wouldn't because he dated someone who cheated on him. I never saw the point.

Once we filled our plates with food, we headed back to our table. The food was delicious. After we ate, our mothers played games. It was funny watching everyone argue over who won. Then came the cake and gifts.

Elias had fun with opening the gifts. He was like a kid on Christmas. People got us items we needed and some clothes. It helped offset the cost for us. Then our mothers surprised us.

"Sydney and I spoke with Greg and Matt. Since we understand your concerns, Matt is accommodating the house for Elias when he doesn't have his hearing aids in at night," Nora said.

Elias and I glanced at each other.

"Your dad is modifying your bed to vibrate when the baby cries, along with lights that will flash. He's installing video monitors in each room and connecting them with the baby monitor. If there's a fire, our houses and the fire department will have alerts from the smoke and carbon monoxide detectors." Nora stepped towards our table. "Your dad and I understand better than anyone how important safety is with a deaf child. Plus, it'll give you a peace of mind."

Elias rose from his chair and hugged Nora. "I love you."

"I know you do."

I would have gotten up, but it isn't easy to spring to your feet when you're enormous. Mom and Nora hugged me while I sat in my seat. The baby shower turned out lovely, considering the weather was shit outside.


I carried the gifts to the car and loaded them, then collected Tori. I made sure she made it to the vehicle without slipping and falling. The last thing we needed was early labor.

We headed home as our mothers took care of the venue. Well, the baby has enough stuff to last it a lifetime. I can't believe how much stuff a kid needs. It's like a baby store exploded in my car.

After we got home, I helped Tori inside, then dragged in all the gifts. Once I finished, the living room looked like it threw up a baby store.

"Junior has a lot of shit," I said.

"We aren't naming the baby Junior."

I glanced at Tori. She shrugged.

"We still need a name."

"I know."

"We can't call the baby, hey, you."

"I know."

We sighed. We had everything imaginable for a baby but no name. Even Nate and Gabe picked out names for their twins. Owen and Wendy chose their son's name. Tori and I? Well, we suck at selecting a name.

"I'm sure a name will come to us," Tori said.

"Or it screws the baby."

Tori rolled her eyes as I shrugged. My gut told me we wouldn't have to worry. Our son would choose his name, and he would share a birthday with several people.

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