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The hospital confirmed Patrick was deaf. He failed his second hearing test. We had to schedule a hearing specialist for Patrick and accommodated everyone's houses for Patrick. Plus, I had to keep Val from hurting his little brother.

Mom and Dad helped me find a specialist for Patrick. We needed a pediatrician who specialized in deaf children. We found one. The plus side was the pediatrician took any child. So, we switched Val to him. It would save us time and hassle.

The pediatrician conducted series of tests on Patrick and confirmed his eardrums never developed. I asked about surgery, but the doctor wanted to wait until Patrick was a little older before exploring that avenue. I asked about hearing aids, and we had to wait until Patrick was a little older to fit him for hearing aids. As for milestones, Patrick hit each one on schedule.


I spent time with the boys as Tori made lunch. Val stood up and handed me a toy as Patrick sat in between my legs. I signed thank you to Val. He signed welcome to me.

Tori and I decided to teach the boys sign language early, so it became a natural habit. Anyone that visited had to use sign language besides talking.

The more the boys became accustomed to it, the more they would use it. Plus, I don't always wear my hearing aids.

Tori finished preparing lunch. Val ran into the kitchen as I carried Patrick. Tori helped Val into his booster seat as I placed Patrick into his high chair. We sat down at the table and started eating.

"I'm pregnant. Pass the salt," Tori said.

I dropped my fork. "Excuse me?"

"I asked you to pass the salt."

"Before that."

"I'm pregnant."

"Now, I know I didn't forget the raincoat, or it broke."

"Well, you didn't factor a hole, now did you?" Tori gave me a look.

"We need added protection."

Tori giggled.

Well, I wanted a big family. I didn't think it would happen a year apart.

"When's the doctor's appointment?" I asked in between bites.

"Monday. I asked Mom to watch the kids."

"Okay, but we need to discuss your working."

"I like my job."

"I know, but I doubt Payton enjoys you taking leave each year."

"What if I work from home?"

"It's doable. I can rearrange the office to accommodate you."

Tori smiled. My wife loves what she does, and we love our family. So, it's a compromise for us.


Mom babysat the boys while we had our doctor's appointment. The doctor confirmed the baby would arrive in April. I also talked to Payton. He had no issue if I did remote work and said my desk would be waiting for my return to work.

Life got busier as our family expanded. Elias's construction business was flourishing. And we found out Owen and Wendy were expecting again.

The cousins had kids, too. Jayden's wife, Leticia, was expecting their first child. Deacon and Gia still held off with kids. Nate and Gabe stopped at the twins, which kept them busy. Oliver and Conner had officially adopted Jordin. Kayden was reveling in fatherhood with his son, Kyler.

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