A week at the cabin

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I packed a bag and carried it downstairs to Elias's car. He loaded it into the trunk. Gabe tossed Nate his bag as Gia handed Deacon her bag. We took three vehicles this time.

"Listen, when we get to the cabin, we'll get settled, then head to the grocery store," Elias told everyone.

"It's a good thing that Gabe can cook, or we'll die from poisoned food," Nate said.

"Well, if anyone needs their stomachs pumped, I have something to help with it," Deacon said.

"Keep it up. My foot will find its way into your ass," Elias said.

Nate and Deacon laughed. We got into the car. I turned to Elias. "I thought this trip was relaxing."

"Have you met my brothers?"

I snickered.

Elias backed out of the driveway, and Gabe almost hit Elias.

"Christ, Gabe!" Nate said.

"My bad!" Gabe said.

Yeah, my brother can cook, but his driving sucks. Gabe and Nate switched spots. Elias rolled his eyes as he drove to the cabin. Of course, we stopped for our obligatory snacks and played our game along the way. It wouldn't be a road trip without our snacks and our competition.

Three hours later, we pulled in and got out of the car. We carried our bags into the cabin and up to our rooms. Then we left and went grocery shopping. Have you ever let the Harper boys loose in a grocery store? It's never pretty.

Elias and his brothers tossed junk food into the shopping cart. Gabe got meat from the meat counter. Gia and I added fresh fruits and vegetables. Elias saw our choices and rolled his eyes. What? It would be best if you had a balanced diet besides junk. Well, I turned into my mom.

After checking out and receiving strange looks, we returned to the cabin. We unloaded the bags and put the groceries away. Gabe grabbed pans and meat from the fridge to make dinner.

Elias and his brothers grabbed wood from the back and set the logs in the fire pit.

"Who takes care of the cabin when no one is here?" Gia asked me.

"Elias's family take turns with checking the cabin and stocking it with wood and essentials. They pay the utilities and taxes while maintaining it. His cousins own a beach house in Hawaii, and there's a family-owned beach house in Myrtle Beach."

"That's a little crazy."

"Yeah, but it makes sense. I wouldn't mind owning a place one day."

"Yeah, Deacon mentioned moving his grandparents home."

"I know Gabe and Nate discussed living in between the auto shop and restaurant."

"It's insane that we'll be sisters-in-law and live close by each other."

"Yeah, but it'll be fun." I smiled.

Gia giggled.

It would suck getting an in-law who's stuffy. I can't even imagine having an uptight sister-in-law.


Nate and Deacon helped me carry wood to the fire pit. Gabe was busy getting dinner ready.

"So, Elias, are you ready to get hitched?" Nate asked me.

"I'm more than ready. In six months, Tori will become my wife." I tossed a log into the fire pit.

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