The holidays are busy

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After Kayden's wedding, we had Thanksgiving. We invited our family to our house. Mom and Sydney cooked since Tori needed help. It seems her belly expanded overnight. That was a fun day.


I rushed to the bedroom and slid into it as Tori stood in the middle of the room. "What's wrong? Is it the baby? Do we need to head to the hospital?"

"I can't find my feet."


"My feet. They disappeared." Tori pointed to the floor.

"Are you kidding me?"

Tori put up her hand. "I don't kid about missing feet."

I rolled my eyes, then escorted Tori out of the bedroom. We came downstairs as the front door opened. Greg brought in bags as Dad carried in a roasting pan. Mom and Sydney took in pies. Then Nate and Gabe arrived with pop. Deacon and Gia were coming over after his shift.

Mom and Sydney got to work with the cooking.

"Damn, Tori, when did you turn into a life-size Turkey?" Gabe asked.

"Gabriel, do you want to keep your boys?" Tori asked.

"Gabe, I would suggest to stop talking," Greg said.

Tori smacked Gabe upside the back of his head. Yeah, I would have warned him, but he deserved it.

"Both of you knock it off. You're not children," Sydney told Gabe and Tori.

"He/she started it!" Gabe and Tori pointed at each other.

"I'm ending it," Sydney told them.

This Thanksgiving reminded me of our first Thanksgiving together, except we didn't drop the turkey on the floor.

"Come on, wife. Let's watch the game." I dragged Tori out of the kitchen and saved Gabe's life.

I turned on the game as Tori sat down on the couch. Gabe and Nate joined us. Eventually, Greg came out to catch the game. Dad was busy getting yelled at by Mom.

"Okay, you shrew! I'm leaving!"

"I'm not a shrew, Matthew!"

"Yeah, you are!"

"Screw you, Matt!"

"Well, Mom is in fine form today. She didn't call Dad an ass," Nate mentioned.

"Wait until Christmas dinner. Mom saves her special names for Dad on that day," I said.

Nate snickered. Dad plopped down in a chair and grumbled because Mom won't let him sample dinner.

"What time is Deacon getting off work?" I asked Dad.

"Three. Deacon had a day shift today. He and Kevin had to cover someone else's shift."

I nodded as Tori yelled at the TV. Since Deacon and Kevin have low seniority, they got the shifts no one wanted. Dad blames Presley since he's their boss.

The doorbell rang. I got up and answered the door. Gia shoved a box of cake at me.

"You shouldn't have."

"Deacon told me to bring dessert. He didn't give me many options."

"A pie would have worked."

"I blame your brother for his lack of ideas. What should I bring to dinner? Bring whatever you want."

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