1: kitten

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Taehyung had no idea where he was. but he woke up somewhere where it was warmer than outside. But he felt uncomfortable as he shifted but he couldn't. He opened his eyes and blinked a few times. He didn't recognize the place but he did recognize the person that was right in front of his face.

"Ah!" he tried to crawl away from the man but he was not able to use his hands. He frowned with fear as he looked at his body seeing his arms were tied together, "Shush it, don't make a scene" The man said his face close as he had been staring at the hybrid for a while now waiting for him to wake up.

"w-who are you?" Taehyung asked.

"My name is Jeon jungkook."

Taehyung thought for a moment he didn't remember hearing that name before. it didn't sound familiar to him. "w-why a-am i here, wh-"

"You saw something and I can't let you go run with that information freely," Jungkook said, his eyes darkening a bit as he looked the boy's face up and down.

"P-please i won't tell anyone. i-i don't even know anyone" taehyung said and it was true. he was alone and always had been. He was going to be transported somewhere but the truck collided with something and Taehyung's cage had opened. The boy had run away and eventually got lost in the city, he has been living on his own there ever since. Luckily he was cute so getting people go give him money or food wasn't always hard.

"Too bad, you know things. I can't risk it now. and for that you will pay" Jungkook said and stepped back. That's when Taehyung could finally see the whole room. There were two other people inside as well. One also had black hair and the other had brown hair.

Jungkook gave the two a nod and searched in his pocket taking out his cigarettes. While he lit up his third of the day he watched how his two men pulled the hybrid off the chair and dropped him on the ground. He listened to the whimpers and cries of the boy when his men kicked and hit him.

"such a shame," Jungkook said, exhaling the smoke through his lips. He leaned against the wall watching how his men did the work. It wasn't like Jungkook didn't do anything himself. He did a lot, but he is a boss. he needed the boy or their other prisoners to know he was in charge here.

"P-please stop!" Taehyung shouted as he curled up and he wanted to cover his head. his ears had gotten hit and it hurt a lot, his ears were sensitive to touches. With teary eyes he looked at the raven that was at the wall. but the man just looked at him emotionless.

Taehyung didn't know how long it took but he knew that it ended later than he had wanted. Everything hurted but the pain kept coming. He had stopped trying to cover himself or move around.

"That's enough," Jungkook said and crushed the tip of the cigarette on the table. He walked to the hybrid in the middle of the room and kneeled down making sure not to dirty his clothes in the drops of blood that were on the floor. "Now, i suggest you dont open that fucking mouth of yours to anyone or i will have to kill you"

"I-im sorry..."

"hm" jungkook looked at the hybrid that was softly crying. his blue eyes looking at him in pain and fear. Jungkook ran his hands through the boy's hair who reacted to it and seemed to calm down a bit. Jungkook thought it was interesting but shoved away the thought to do it again and stood up.

"Bring him to my car i will be right there" jungkook said as he left the room, he had to change because he had a meeting where he needed to be in a few minutes.

"will do" the two men picked up the boy and carried him out of the room. Taehyung didn't even struggle. It wasn't of use anyway. If he gets free, what will he do? He doesn't have arms. He just looked around with teary eyes. The house looked big. He had never seen such a house. not that I have seen interriour of a lot of houses. but where he lived were not these big ones. He wondered where this was. These two men brought him outside and put him in the backseat of a car.

"are you sitting okay?" the brown haired asked. Taehyung didn't dare to shake 'no' so he just nodded silently. "come let me remove the ropes" the man got out a knife startling the hybrid. but all he did was cut the rope and untying the boy. "Now, that must be better-"

"I'm leaving, i will be back at night" Jungkook said walking out of the building towards his car. now wearing a formal suit with a long black coat. He looks like a rich businessman, which he actually also was. "don't let anyone enter or whatever, i am not available" jungkook wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone and bother himself with their things. He got in the car and looked in the back seeing taehyung was untied. "Why isn't he tied?" he asked his men.

"It's not like he is gonna attack you or whatever" the black haired man said with a shrug. they didn't see any danger in the hybrid.

"That's not why I asked. but whatever" jungkook sighed and closed the door driving off.


Jungkook took the boy all the way to where he found him and stopped the car in the alley. He walked to Taehyung's door and opened it. "get out"

Taehyung did as told and hurried out of the car with his ears flat. He felt even smaller than he actually was from this man. Jungkook was intimidating him a lot. Jungkook stared at the boy who looked harmed, which he was because jungkook did it. "Kid, don't poke your nose in business that isn't yours. stay out of these things" Jungkook said, Taehyung was innocent and didn't look like a threat so there was no reason to kill him. Now he was sure the boy wouldn't share this information with anyone, he was free to go and Jungkook could go to his meeting.

"I-i won't"

"good" jungkook got back inside his car and drove off, while driving he wondered why the hybrid was even there. it was such an odd place for someone to be. and at that time. shouldn't he be having dinner or already go to bed. Jungkook didn't bother to think more of it and just focussed on the meeting for now.


thank you for reading this chapter. i hope you are interested in reading more, i will see you then in the next chapter!


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