35: new friends

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The next morning Taehyung couldn't have woken up any better. He had a big smile on his face. because when he woke up and opened his eyes he had found himself in jungkook's arms, a hand on his back, the other on his head holding him against the raven's chest. Jungkook seemed to be awake, so the hybrid had quickly shut his eyes again pretending to be still asleep to the man will hold him a little longer.

sadly it didn't fool the other, only jungkook decided to not let go, he will hold him some more. It was quite nice for himself as well. having the other so close, he could hear his breathing and feel it. He felt the boy was alive. but then he let go of the other rolling on his back to reach for his phone and check the time. today he had to go to the meetings, sadly he couldn't push them back any more, they were very important. A big casino wanted to work together with him and make a deal, so that was very interesting for jungkook, as an owner of the nightclubs here. more cash, which he liked to see. he sighed seeing it was time to get ready and turned around. his eyes looking at the hybrid that had a pout on his face looking at him with big puppy eyes. "no more cuddles, that was enough for the week. bye" jungkook got out of bed so suddenly and unbothered by the big eyes that it made taehyung gasp. he was surprised how unaffected the raven was by his pleading eyes. he thought to get just a little more cuddles. he knew jungkook probably wasn't the kind to cuddle but he was glad to have some, and it made him want more of them.

"but but but...." the boy sighed and rolled himself in the blanket as a burrito with a frown. If Jungkook wont hug him then he will make the blanket hug him. The hybrid likes to be held. He wanted to be held lovingly and gently.

Unlike Jungkook who wasn't fond of skinship, hugging and all that. He didn't like touching that much.

"You get dressed too," Jungkook said, throwing some clothes at the hybrid burrito on his bed.

"oh? me?"

"Yes you, who else?" Jungkook started to brush his teeth, glancing at the boy through the mirror in the bathroom. He left the door open.

"Where are we going today?"

"to my mansion, i will drop you off there. i will be gone all day" jungkook said he dit want the hybrid alone here all day, and the hybrid will get bored eventually. he didn't need another hurricane in his house like before. plus he will get to mee the others, which he will see more often. They have to know taehyung because jungkook will need their help to assure taehyung stays under the radar and safe. The group knew very well how to do such a thing.

"oh, exciting!" Taehyung rushed out of bed into the clothes the raven threw at him. but first he had to roll himself out of the blanket and did it too fast which made him fall on the floor at the end of the roll. He whined and rubbed his ass. "owie"

Jungkook turned around to see what had happened and chuckled a little seeing what happened. He shook his head, spitting out the toothpaste.


"how long still?"

"5 minutes, stop asking me that," Jungkook said, annoyed. The hybrid kept asking how far it was and bombarding him with other questions, like why he had a second house.

"Is it really that big?"

"tae....stop asking me questions. let me drive for a moment" Jungkook said, regretting to even drive himself instead of calling his driver. Now he had to be bothered with a hybrid next to him non stop talking while he tried to focus on the road properly.

"hmm. fine," Taehyung crossed his arms. but soon enough got distracted by his new clothes which had frills on the sleeves, playing with them. and like that those last five minutes passed very quickly, before he realised the car drove up into a driveway through automatic gates. his eyes went wide seeing a huge mansion come closer. It had three floors and a two door entrance.

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