39: found

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The two had returned to the penthouse by now. They had dinner together after taehyung kept asking him to stay a little longer to eat with him. but of course that wasn't enough, the boy kept asking more until the other would say no but he wasn't giving up so quickly.

"pleassseee. i wanna come with you" the hybrid said following jungkook around the house who was gathering his things and getting dressed at the same time, currently buttoning the sleeves of his white button up. he had changed into different suit for tonight. he will have to politely ask someone to leave his city and he wont show up in some old ras. he will show up in one of his most expensive ones, to show the others he had power and money. as a warning not to mess with him. jungkook didn't appear as the most violent person when you first meet him, but once you annoy him and are basically asking for a reaction he won't hold back even a little. he will crush them into the ground without any emotion on his face.

"Tae, there won't even happen anything, and besides it's not fun for you."

"i don't care, i just wanna come with you"

"you are not giving up are you?" Jungkook asked and sighed. He didn't like these conversations but with taehyung he couldn't find himself being able to get angry. just slightly annoyed, but anger was nowhere to be found.

"not yet" taehyung chuckled and followed jungkook to the living room watching him put on his watch and a shimmery bracelet. The man always looked so fancy in Taehyung's eyes.

"Fine you can come, but you will not come inside, you will stay with Lu" jungkook said he didn't want the boy around him all the time, this was a serious meeting, no cat's playground for treasure hunt. So he sent a quick text to Lu to come meet him in the parking lot.

"yes!" Taehyung clapped his hands and smiled, happy he got to come with the other. Every day the raven left him alone he felt alone and bored. Only his brian did not think of what Jungkook would do, maybe it was dangerous. but if it was jungkook won't even take the boy along, he did have his brains properly working.


so said so they did. currently in the car with Lu and Taehuyng jungkook sat in the backseat with taehyung. The hybrid was looking outside through the shaded windows. seeing the streetlights flash by, the city was very colorful with the neon lights that were at the buildings. He wants to come back here again at night. He wondered what all the signs said. He only saw the lines and circles but couldn't read them. He sighed, being a bit bored.

Jungkook who sat next to him looked at the hybrid, noticing the boy was tired and his eyes kept falling shut. Jungkook shook his head. 'Why even come if you will fall asleep anyway' he thought.

"Jeon, were here." Lu said stopping the car near the building, it was a VIP casino. one which Jungkook owns of course, better invite someone to your own ground than go to theirs. It was huge. lights at the front where a big 6 straired staircase leads up to the big glass doors. people walking in and out. two guards at the door, their hands folded behind their backs. one in the door checking everyone's cards before opening the doors for them. it looked very exclusive, which it was.

"Lu, watch the kid," Jungkook said, opening the door. The hybrid had already fallen asleep before they arrived. He saw his head lying uncomfortably against the window. The raven couldn't just leave like that and moved back in the car undoing his seatbelt and laying the hybrid on his side on the backseat. this would be better for him. He grabbed Lu's jacket that was hanging over the passenger's seat to use it as a pillow for the boy. "there" he said and left the car shutting the doors as quietly he could. Jungkook approached the front doors and immediately the guards bowed at him.

"welcome back Boss" they said. "we have been expecting your visit" the middle man opened the door for their boss. "were honored to welcome you again, enjoy your stay sir"

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