20: outside

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The next morning Taehyung woke up earlier than usual. He opened his eyes and blinked a few times. It smelled different in the bedroom, it smelled better. It smelled of Jungkook. The hybrid looked to the side to the other side of the bed noticing that this time the pillow and mattress isnt neat anymore, it was all wrinkled.

"did Jungkookie sleep here with me?" Taehyung asked. He did have the blanket wrapped warmly around him which was very nice, and Jungkook's scent was lingering in the room. The boy scooted to the other side and pressed his nose in the pillow taking a sniff. Jungkook definitely was here. The scent was strong. But sadly it must have been a while since Jungkook left this side of the bed was all cold.

"why does he keep leaving..'' Taehyung frowned with a put as he got out of bed. complaining about the raven. "He can take me with him, I don't like it here alone." Taehyung was growing more and more attached to the raven everytime Jungkook was with him.

"Oh wait, he said I can leave right? I can go out. yes that's fun i will do that" taehyung smiled already forgetting he was complaining just now. he rushed into some clothes he stole from Jungkook's closet again and brushed his teeth. He had something to do today so he was excited to start the day already. He couldn't be fast enough. Right before he left the penthouse door he noticed the breakfast on the table and sighed. He forgets to eat in his hurry. So he went back to the table and basically shoved the food in his mouth.


After a breakfast that he had to eat slower than he had wanted the hybrid was inside the elevator. He couldn't remember which floor the exit was so he just pressed all the buttons. Soon enough he found out that 0 was the bottom floor. It opened and he recognized the big hall. With big eyes he stepped out and looked up at the ceiling that looked so far away, a huge chandelier hung down with long shimmering strings hanging from it. the sun reflected against the gems from the big windows from the entrance side.

"pretty" he said and walked to the doors everyone was entering and leaving. Taehyung noticed it wasn't like an apartment; it looked like there were shops here too. He saw some people with bags standing or walking. He will remember to explore here soon too. but first he wanted to wander outside on the streets. this time not searching for food and survival but now just to look around like he was a visitor or go shopping.

A man who stood near the doors looked at him when he left through the doors and grabbed his phone following the boy out without taehyung noticing.

"Ohh big big" Taehyung said looking at the huge building. on the top he recognized the penthouse windows and smiled. He turned around and looked at the city streets. It was a bit scary to be here again. He remembered getting bothered a lot for being an ownerless hybrid on the street. people thought he was dirty and would give them diseases. but taehyung was sure he was healthy. The boy sniffed himself quickly making sure he wasn't smelly. He wasn't homeless anymore, he was like the others now.

"Okay where to" he said and looked around. He didn't know where to go, he didn't know this side of the sixty so he went in the most interesting direction. It was the best side, seeing he arrive in a colorful shopping street. His nose took on the smell of sweets. His eyes looked around while he sniffed the air searching for the course. "woah!" he said and ran to the window at a pastry shop. There were many colorful desserts behind the glass. without hesitation this time he went inside and looked at the desserts.

"Can I have one?" he asked looking up at the man behind the counter.

"Sure, which one would you like?" he asked.

"the pink one, its strawberry"

"Okay, it's 7,50 for one," he said. Taehyung fell silent.

"i... dont have money.."

"Then I can't give it to you. where is your owner, shouldn't he pay for you then?"

"I...i dont have one"

"You don't have one?" the man getting a bit suspicious of the boy's intentions. "Then I can't help you, I don't likes of you."


"please leave"

"you're so mean!" Taehyung frowned. "why can you give them something but me not?"

The man frowned at the boy's words. "don't give me that tone Cat"

"stupid man" taehyung mumbled and left the store angry he wanted to smack the door behind him but it had a stopped and closer very slowly. only making the boy more annoyed.


Meanwhile Jungkook sat in the car waiting to arrive at their destination. a laptop on his lap. suddenly he remembered something and he grabbed his phone pressing the number of his assistant. it was answered after the first ring,

"Where is he?" Jungkook asked.

"He is currently just laying on the grass relaxing or whatever. He seemed angry just now"


"he didn't have money for the desserts he saw i think"

"Okay, keep a good eye on him. I will hang now"

"will do" the man said and the call ended.

Jungkook put his phone away and looked up. "Stop at **** for me"

"We are tight on time, are you sur-"

"Just do as I say, thank you," Jungkook said and looked back at his laptop. The car slowed down and took a sharp turn before making a right. He quickly finished the text he was typing and closed the top, putting the laptop back in his bag that was next to him on the backseat.

"were here sir, i will wait here"

"I will be back soon, '' Jungkook said before leaving the car. He looked around, he didn't like all the people in the streets. It was so crowded today. He crossed the street after a bus passed and went inside a colorful shop.

"Good day! What can I do for you?" the man behind the counter asked.

"I want that strawberry dessert, '' Jungkook said, pointing to the pink colored dessert behind the glass with handprints on it.


thank you for the support so far on this story! i was a bit hesitant to publish this at first not knowing if people would enjoy this. but im glad to see some are enjoying it. the comments make me happy.💕🐣

 thank you for reading again! i will see you again in the next chapter^^


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