63: decision

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After the arcade date the two somehow got very exhausted from it. surprising jungkook himself who felt like he could just crash out on the couch right now. but he didn't. Instead he dropped his jacket on the couch and turned to Taehyung who was hanging his jacket neatly on the hook following the basic rules perfectly. He wrapped his arms around the hybrid and lifted him up carrying him to their bedroom.

"H-hey! wait! what" taehyung said shocked and confused. He quickly grabbed a hold of Jungkook's shoulders so he wouldn't fall down. "where are we going??"

"Bath," Jungkook replied simply and used his elbow and foot to push the door open, dragging the boy into the bathroom and putting him on the side of the bath. He turned on the water and undressed himself.

"you're in a hurry"

"I am, I want to cuddle you and fall asleep," Jungkook said while he went to taehyung and helped him undress, making the hybrid giggle from the hands undressing him. Once the hot water had filled the bath the two got inside. Even if it was a bigger bathtub than normal it still was quite small for two people to lay in there at the same time. but they didn't mind. they loved each other and would happily lay closer against each other squished in the bath. Taehyung had a big smile on his face the whole time.

"Let me wash you" the raven said, not waiting for a reply, technically it wasn't even a question. even if it was he knew the other would allow him anyway. so he had already grabbed the soap bottle and poured it in his hand soaping taehyung's wet hair with his fingers. The hybrid really liked the massaging fingers and closed his eyes.

"don't open them, I will rinse it out now," Jungkook warned the other before grabbing the shower head and turning on the water on rinsing the soap out of the boy's white hair. Taehyung kept his eyes tightly shut, letting Jungkook do his job. but the water had stopped flowing already. He was waiting for Jungkook to say he can look again.

But Jungkook wasn't planning to, he took this chance to secretly give the boy a kiss, making the hybrid widen his eyes and giggle. Jungkook felt the hybrid's slips form a smile and he parted away with a chuckle. "you're cute"

"and you're very handsome and kind"

"only for people i like"

"hmm yes yes" taehyung patted jungkook's hair that was still dry and scooped some water dropping it on jungkook's head with a smile.

Jungkook wasn't planning on washing his hair or even getting it wet but he didn't say anything about it when the hybrid wetted his hair fully. He just lets the younger do as he pleases.

"You need to be clean too," Taehyung said and started washing the other. not missing the chance to rub over jungkook's abs nicely with a grin. The raven raised a brow at the hybrid, noticing the look Taehyung gave when touching his exposed torso like that.

"do you need help, or are you okay?" Jungkook asked, suddenly sitting up and moving forward, making the boy move back, getting trapped between the end of the tub and Jungkook's strong body.

"a-ah, i-ill manage, '' Taehyung stuttered out with a flushed face. Jungkook chuckled and sat back down leaning against the other side with his arms draped over the sides. letting the hybrid continue his job in washing him. while taehyung did that he just stared at him with soft loving eyes. taking in the beautiful and sweet person he could call him.


After a long bath with them just sitting there until the water got cold the two had taken their spot on the bed cuddling, like Jungkook wanted. The raven laid on his back looking at the ceiling, taehyung rested his head and half of his torso on jungkook's chest, the blanket coming till half their bodies. It was very comforting for them, just laying there in silence, enjoying the presence of their loved one.


"Yes love?" Jungkook said back softly as he kept stroking the hybrid's hair lovingly.

"i will give you a family"

"wait what?"

"i want to have a kid with you"

"r-really?" jungkooks eyes widened and he looked at the boy's head, well hair as his hybrid was on his chest and not facing him. "are you sure you want this, its okay if you don't-"

"I do. I want to see you happy. I want us to be happy."

"Tae, i am not forcing you okay, only if you are really sure about this"

"I am sure, you...you can raise them in a big strong person and I will give them kindness, I will teach them love. I'm not like you, but i will do my best to be more responsible..."

"Baby, don't change yourself for this. Even if we get kids you don't have to change yourself. you're already a perfect man, you are indeed different. you're a hybrid you can't be like humans in everything. Don't force yourself to be someone you are not. I will give them all the things that you can't give them, and you will give them what I can't show them. we both have what they need.'' Jungkook said, now looking at the other who was in a sitting position to look at the raven properly.

"really?...." Taehyung thought for a moment but then nodded, Jungkook was right. Taehyung lacked a lot of things but those are things that Jungkook can fill up. Jungkook can teach and show their kids the things Taehyung couldn't. He didn't have to change. "I will just be myself then...i trust you"

"And i love you very much" jungkook smiled and pulled the other in a tight hug nuzzling his face in the hybrid's neck. "Thank you, I will do everything I can to make the whole process and their life as safe as I possibly can. Everything will be fine. just like i promised you" 


thank you for reading and sorry for the late update, i was hesitating if i wanted to add a smut here or just continue the casual story lmao. guess i will skip this smut for now sihsdhfkshf

see you in next chapter!


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