52: home

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It was a long flight and drive but eventually the group arrived safely at the Jeon mansion. Lu had left, returning to the casino to do his job. Jungkook had taken the hybrid up to his bedroom. The boy was sleeping the whole travel. After he cried in Jungkook's arms, he passed out really quick.

The raven gently placed the hybrid on his soft bed covering him with the fluffy sheets so he can go change out of his suit without having to worry about the hybrid getting cold. His whole body had not been feeling so well since they got together again. yes he got taehyung back, but the boy was in a bad state. Jungkook saw all the bruises, the bits of dried blood here and there and then his eyes that looked troubled even when sleeping. the hybrid wasn't like a rose anymore, he was harmed.

After Jungkook changed into a simple shirt and shorts he kneels next to the bed gently caressing taehyung's white hairs that were very messy. He didn't care that the boy wasn't smelling fresh now, he just wanted the boy to be comfortable. Jungkook sighed and leaned forward giving the boy a soft kiss on his forehead. "Tae..." he whispered, getting in bed and laying next to the other. pulling taehyung in his arms carefully. "you're home...sleep, its okay" he grabbed the boy's hand and saw the hybrid relax his body, the tension faded slowly.

Jungkook was not going to focus on his hybrid. Taehyung needed him now. Even if the anger towards the Ryu family was big he had to put that on a halt and get taehyung back on his feet, healthy and happy. Revenge had to wait a little longer. He shouldn't rush things now. Taehyung comes first.


The next morning Jungkook woke up early, he was pulled from his dreams feeling something shaking against him. Slowly he blinked his eyes open, frowning wondering what the feeling was. But realisation hit him quick when he heard soft sobs.

"Tae....darling" Jungkook said fully awake when he noticed the boy was crying. He sat up with the boy and cupped his face. "What's wrong, what happened?"

"N-nothing" taehyung said but didn't stop crying he rubbed his eyes. body shaking with each breath he took.

"It's not nothing, I can see it. Please don't hide things from me, everything is safe with me."

"I-it..hurts" taehyung said softly. "e-every-thing h-hurts"

"Im sorry...im sorry i can't take your pain away" jungkook said his eyes softening like he was on the verge of crying himself. but he wasn't going to let any of those emotions get to him, he was the hybrid's pillar now. his shoulder to cry on, his ears to listen, his hands to hold him gently and his voice to speak.

"b-bad man.....l-lied to me...."

"Taehyung...did something else happen there?" Jungkook asked, yes he knew how they treated the boy but was there more?

Taehyung nodded slowly, rubbing the tears from his eyes.

"what was it?"

Taehyung shook his head, he didn't want to say it. He doesn't want to remember everything. He doesn't want to talk about it. he rather just forget.

"Love...please tell me, i want to help you.."

"n-no...i can't," Taehyung said, looking away. what if jungkook will hate him? What if Jungkook doesn't want him anymore? what if he will...dispose...of him now...

"Whatever it is, don't worry, it's okay to tell me. Tae...please" jungkook said, now getting worried what it was that the boy wasn't telling him, he could see there was something the way taehyung kept avoiding his eyes.

"M-man hate...me...m-man did ..things" that's all taehyung said before he started crying again hiding his face in his hands pulling the blankets up to his face.

Even if it was an abstract explanation, Jungkook got it and his sad eyes turned into a sharp glare, his face hardened and he took a deep breath. "he..what now?"


"That's it, that is the last straw" Jungkook mumbled. He will really kill Jinsang now, Jungkook can tolerate things that happen to himself but now he did something to Taehyung he wasn't going to let it slip like that. He will make sure the other gets the payment for everything he has done.

"i-im sorry. im sorry i-"

"hey hey, why are you apologizing? '' Jungkook quickly let go of his thoughts and cupped the boy's face again. "Please don't, you did nothing wrong."


"No buts Tae, he is the one who should be apologizing."

"D-don't hate me..please"

"Baby...i can't hate you. Please don't think that. you're still my bratty hybrid, my lovely taehyung. don't worry"

"really?" Taehyung asked, his eyes looking up, hopeful and shimmering from the tears that glistered in them.

"of course, because i love you"

"i...i love you too...thank you" taehyung hugged the other tightly pressing his face in jungkook's chest sniffing his scent which was smelling better than his own. Unlike him, Jungkook smelled fresh.

"Now sleep some more, tomorrow is a new day. let go of these thoughts for tonight and relax your mind and body. you're home, i am with you, nothing can happen now" jungkook assured the boy while he laid down on his side taking the hybrid with him. "go on, close your eyes. i'm staying right here" the raven smiled seeing the other wasn't closing his eyes.


"i promise" jungkook ran his fingers through taehyung's hair which the boy enjoyed so much. It only took a few minutes of it to make the boy fall asleep. giving jungkook the time to think and hold him, he wasn't going to sleep now. He will watch over the other, in case he had nightmares or woke up again. He will be there for him right away.


thank you for reading, see you in the next chapter!


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