45: casino

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to say Jungkook was angry was too little. The anger he felt was strong and even his friend realised staying a few meters away from him, they had heard the video Jungkook received. They were all together in the room to discuss their plan when Jungkook received the message. The cries of the hybrid was enough to awaken everyone's worry. Especially Jimin who was quite fond of the boy.

"I am going to fucking kill him for this" jungkook said, but at least they knew now who was behind this. so Jinsang wasn't lying when he said he didn't have the hybrid. Jungkook didn't want to believe it but he knew now that Jinsang really was speaking the truth. "my little Tae.." Jungkook rewatched the video but didn't press play. He didn't want to see Taehyung getting hurt again. He just wanted to see his face for a moment. He quickly put the video away and took a few deep breaths. Everyone clearly flinched when Jungkook stood up suddenly and walked to the garden lighting up a cigarette. his eyes staring into the distance with the other hand in his pocket. his brows frowned and eyes sharp like daggers. He finished his cigarette quicker than usual and turned around walking back inside while taking out another one and lighting it up. He had to get ready for his meeting with this 'asshole'.

"Jimin, hoseok, you're coming along. Yoongi, you continue on the plan with seokjin. Namjoon you keep an eye out on my main casino. make sure there is no one shady going in or out." Jungkook gave his orders and disappeared into his office taking everything he might need later.


And like that it was 9 pm. Jungkook stood in front of the casino he was supposed to mee the other. of course a casino that wasnt his, the enemy wasnt stupid to do that. He did his research.

"Jeon Jungkook," the raven said to the front guard. The man nodded and opened the door following the raven inside.

"I will take you to our guest, he said to be expecting you," the guard guided the new man through the noisy casino. Jungkook didn't really like the vibe here; it was too loud. more a casino for young people. Jungkook preferred a more warm atmosphere in his casino's. he didn't need party animals in his casino, he needed people with money and lust. so he can easily drain money from the guests without having to drown them in alcohol.

"He is waiting in here, ''the guard said and walked away, letting Jungkook enter the vip room. As soon as the door was shut the sounds of the loud music was dimmed. The raven's eyes fell on a man who sat on a seat at the round table with a glass of what seemed like whine. His hair to one side as the other side was shaved with a snake drawing. Jungkook scoffed silently and pressed his cigarette in the cup next to him before approaching the man and sitting down in front of him. The man moved his hand and a waiter came to the two handing Jungkook a glass of wine too but Jungkook shook his hand politely refusing the drink.

"Hmm, no drinks for my guest?"

"I don't need a drink right now. let's get to business" jungkook said serious, he wasn't here to casually talk. he didn't want to waste his time talking to taehyung's kidnapper, he had to plan his way of attack. He knew Youngsoo wasn't an easy enemy, Youngsoo was a huge mafia which had a big base where everything came together. just barging in there was a bad idea. He had to find something else.

"As you know I got your precious cat. so i want to negotiate with you Mr.Jeon, leader of the jeon family now. you've grown since last time we met"

"oh did i?" Jungkook chuckled and leaned back in his seat, getting comfortable. "now what are your suggestions?"

"I want you to hand over the city to me, I want everything."

"and why would I do that?" Jungkook scoffed.

"Because if you dont i will make sure he pays for your answer" Youngsoo said and moved his hand holding his phone. a live video camera was on. Jungkook could see a room, in the middle was clearly Taehyung, he recognized him immediately. The hybrid was tied to something above that was out of view, his eyes blindfolded. two men stood at the side. "want an example?" Youngsoo chuckled and gave a nod to one of his men that stood in the room. and as soon as that was done jungkook saw the hybrid get hit in the stomach and a slap in the face.

"Stop," Jungkook said, not looking at the video. "what the fuck do you want, i am no giving my city to you, think of something else"

"hmm" youngsoo knew jungkook won't give it whatsoever so he had to take a smaller steps which he knew jungkook will eventually give in to. something that was worth saving taehyung from the pain. something not too far reached. Slow steps will eventually lead Youngsoo to his goal. "how about you deliver me 100 ammo and guns...followed by allowing us to freely move in the city without your men attacking us"

"you're gonna cause trouble, I don't need that. Those guns are mine, i worked for that shit" jungkook said, not able to keep cool and controlled in this situation.

"oh, really?" youngsoo raised a brow and gave a nod again. Jungkook's eyes widened, it didn't tae long for him to hear a yelp and cries. His eyes moved to the phone and his heart sank. He could see blood on the hybrid's lips, his knees bent now hanging on his arms that were tied up. He saw how those guards hit the hybrid with something on the back making the boy cough.

"stop!" Jungkook demanded and looked up. "i will do it"

"great!'' Youngsoo smiled and clapped his hands pulling the phone back, the sounds from his phone came to a halt. "le-

"one condition"

"what is it loverboy"

"dont fucking call me that" jungkook said with gritted teeth.

"Now tell me, or I will have to force that out of your lips too?"

"let me talk to him"

"ohh, you wanna talk to your little pet. how cute"

"Give me the fucking phone of the deal wont be happening" jungkook said standing up to show he wasnt joking. he had to pretend to get what he wanted. he wasnt gonna just walk out and risk taehyung getting hurt again. or worse, killed.

"Fine, here. i give you one minute" Youngsoo said, calling his guard and handing the phone to jungkook who snatched it and walked to the other side of the room. The call was answered quickly and the sound of shaky breaths was heard.

"Kid..." he said.


"Hey Tae...hang in there for me. I will come for you, please be strong, I will get you back to me okay. you will get all the donuts you want" jungkook said, ignoring his eyes on him.

"M-mister...it hurts...why a-are they doing this...w-what did i do wrong?" Taehyung said his voice was soft and he clearly sounded like he was in pain. Which hurt Jungkook's heart.

"I know darling....I am so sorry. Just....i am coming for you, i know you're strong don't let them talk things in your head okay?"

"o-okay mister, i will....try"



"its jungkook, say it"


"there" jungkook smiled a little.

"Mister Jungkook....im scared"

Jungkook chuckled at the new name the other made and shook his head. "I know Tae, I know. it w-"

"Now that's enough, say bye bye!" youngsoo snatched the phone away and ended the call walking back to the table.

"fuck you "jungkook muttered and glared at the man.

"Boohoo, now I'm glad we have a deal. you better keep to it, Mister Jungkook" youngsoo mocked the name making jungkook very pissed off.

"Good, I will be on my way then." Jungkook didn't wait for a reply before leaving the room and heading back home. feeling the rage inside of him boil more and more. He had to do something fast. He couldn't bear the shaky voice in his head repeating it over and over again 'Mister Jungkook....i'm scared' he kept hearing it. He stopped the car and smaller his steering wheel before resting his head against it. "Tae...he has nothing to do with this....merciless assholes.."


thank you for reading see you in the next chapter!


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