3: coincidence

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The next day Jungkook was making his way through a small hallway. the sound of distant music was heard. He was currently in one of his nightclubs heading for his office where someone had been asking to meet him. and even after many words from his guards saying Jungkook was busy and not going to meet up with someone the person insisted on waiting. So after a good amount of hours and seeing the man still waiting in his office through the camera's jungkook decided to pay the man a visit. Which he was doing now. Followed by two of his personal guards named Hoseok and Jimin he walked to his office and opened the door walking inside. Hoseok stayed at the door while Jimin followed Jungkook to desk where the raven sat down leaning back in the seat and folding his legs. He pushed the cigarette in the ash plate, now his hands empty, and looked at the man.

"you wanted to see me?" he said. The man nodded and reached in his pocket. Jimin's eyes immediately looked at it ready to counter a possible attack. But the man only took out an envelope. He handed it to Jungkook by placing it on the desk and pushing it forward.

"what do i do with this?" Jungkook asked, looking at the envelope.

"i have evidence for you of someone who is plotting against you. I caught them on my camera's and some are from my own men who I sent to investigate. I overheard their conversation through the videos. I added the audio files too." the man said. Jungkook now grabbed the envelope and got interested. When he opened it he took out the contents first were a few photos and next was a usb which probably contained the audio files the man was talking about.

In the photos was everytime the same men were seen with a group of others. They seemed on guard for something and standing in odd locations thinking they were out of sight.

"And why did you decide to tell me this information?" Jungkook asked, raising a brow as he looked back up at the man. His dark eyes met the other's hazel ones.

"because I think I could make some good profit from it. I expect something in return. I have more information and the videos, if you go along with my conditions"

"i see you're not dumb" Jungkook put the things back in the envelope. He sighed softly and glanced back up folding his hands. "What do you want?"

"i want €300.000 and a box of your drug"

"That's a high request, and you expect me to agree to that? I could just kill you and take this with me without any trouble" Jungkook said, waving the envelope in his hand. "but i wont..I dont see any profit for me in killing you. I will give you 100.000 the drugs like you want."

The man was gonna decline but knowing Jungkook he sighed a bit annoyed but nodded standing up. He put down a second envelope which contained the other half. "fine"

Jungkook grinned and stood up as well. They shook hands and he grabbed his phone and sent over the money to the man. "and we have a deal, the shipment will arrive shortly" Jungkook grinned and watched the man walk away.

"Jimin, can you give this to Yoongi when were back." jungkook said handing the envelopes with the evidence to yoongi. He didn't even bother to look through the files first. He and the man both knew that if he scammed Jungkook that the man wouldn't see the next sun.

"I will go get some cash, you can go ahead of me," Jungkook added before walking away followed by the two.


Jungkook had parked his car nearby and was currently going towards an ATM. It was time for dinner and he was looking forward to go home to have finally a good meal. He hasn't had lunch today and his stomach growled. "yea yea, we're almost home" he said to his stomach and sighed pressing the buttons on the ATM. He heard the process and his money came out. Jungkook put them all in his wallet and headed back to the car. Passing that same alley again.

"why does the ATM have to be here" he mumbled walking past the alley. But he halted when he heard rather distant noises. They were shouting. But shouts that sounded like a call for help. Jungkook was hesitating if he should go or not, but in the end he shook his head and continued his way. "its not my problem"


"d-don't! Let me go!" taehyung shouted kicking the boy above him. These were the same people that kept going after him and bothering him. He hoped they would come back. But the group had lured him out by leaving his stolen blanket outside of his spot/home. And when taehyung grabbed the blanket cautiously they jumped on him and pinned him down. But Taehyung didn't go down with a fight, yes he didn't have strong muscles but his teeth were strong. Which was mostly the first thing he did. And what he did now. When the guy came close, Taehyung bit him in his arm. The guy screamed, feeling taehyung's sharp teeth break through his skin making him bleed.

"stupid hybrid!" he shouted and hit taehyung's face making the boy release his bite.

"hold him down!" the guy said and his friends did as asked keeping the boy down as the other got down struggling with his belt while pushing the boys legs apart. "homeless hybrid best choice" he grinned."

"let go! Stop!" taehyung shouted and kicked his legs violently making the guy unable to get a hold of them. It was making the three very angry. But when they raised their arms to harm the hybrid a gunshot interrupted them. The man between taehyung's legs fell down bleeding.

"i suggest you step away from the hybrid right now"

The three boys got up and stumbled back seeing a black haired man holding a gun. They didn't have weapons so this gun looked very intimidating. And on top of that he just killed one of them.

"d-don't shoot, '' one said, scared.

"If I were you I would start running. I give you ten second then you are both dead. And dont come back.... i will find you"

The two stepped back seeing the man wasn't joking they took off running. Jungkook lowered the gun and looked at the hybrid that was curled in a ball, but when jungkook's eyes locked with his the boy crawled away getting on his feet to run off. But Jungkook didn't make any move so Taehyung just stood there. Ready to run when jungkook did something.

"why are you everywhere" Jungkook mumbled. "don't get in trouble, next time i won't go out of my way to save you"

"t-thank you....F-for helping," Taehyung said.

"hm, why are you even here. Where is your Owner?'' Jungkook asked. Already regretting asking, he didn't need to know anything about this random boy.

"i dont have one"

"you don't?"

Taehyung shook his head.

"a home or whatever? Why are you here, it's dirty here" jungkook said, not liking the dirty alleys to just hang out. He only used them for business or an escape route.

"This is my home," Taehyung said, pointing to the old shed behind him.

"hm, well I will take my leave. Stay out of trouble.'' Jungkook said and put his gun away, turning around. If he keeps talking he will know too much about the boy and he will know him. He doesn't want to know him, he doesn't need to know anything about him.


Thank you for reading, see you in the next chapter!

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