42: intruders

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Jungkook was standing inside an office of one of his clients waiting for the other to finish a print for him. his mind was still annoyed seeing Jinsang still in the city just now. He was about to take a sip from his coffee when his phone rang. He put the cup back on the table and grabbed his phone. seeing the id he sighed. He should have expected this.

"Tae, what is it?" he said. knowing already it was probably nothing at all.

"N-nothing" taehyung's voice sounded like he got caught.

"speak, i don't have all day"

"Well, I was just missing you. you would come before dinner right? but it's already past five....i miss you"

"Tae, it will take a little longer but I will be there before six. we will eat together okay? i just have to get my prints and then i will come home"

"Okay" Taehyung said, Jungkook could basically hear the pout on the other's face.

"Don't be sad, I will take a day off tomorrow and we will do something alright? maybe go to the movies together"

"i would like that!" taehyung smiled wide already cited for that"

Meanwhile in the penthouse Taehyung smiled wide as he heard the other talk when suddenly he heard a strange noise coming from the door that led to the elevator. He turned his head looking over the couch at the door when he heard a bang against it.

"What was that?" Jungkook asked, hearing the noise too.

"I don't know, it comes from the elevator, '' Taehyung replied, but then the doors suddenly opened and unknown people stepped out. "j-jungkook there are people here!" he whisper-yelled at the phone while hiding behind the couch. These were not the maids he saw everyday, he had never seen these people. They didn't look like the workers here.

"What, who are they?" Jungkook sounded alarmed. He did not expect someone to come to his penthouse today he only ordered the maids to take care of the boy, no one else was even allowed up there.

"i-i don't know, they look scary.'' Taehyung said and suddenly he heard a female scream. His curiosity got the nest of him and he peeked over the couch seeing one of the maids on the ground. She was here to clean the bathrooms.

"they hurt the maid, jungkook i'm scared" taehyung said seeing how one of the men kicked the maid.

"where is the hybrid?" he asked her. Taehyung's heart sank and his eyes widen in fear hearing that. Were they here for him? No way, what did he do? He had been a good boy, why is someone here for him? Why do they hurt the maid? Taehyung wanted to help the maid but he couldn't find it in him to move. This felt bad.

"Taehyung, hide. I am on my way, ''Jungkook said, hearing the voices from the other line. Panic rising up inside of him. "Lu is coming too, he is nearby. Just hide, don't hang up on me, okay."

"o-okay '' Taehyung said but didn't dare to move away from the couch. He crawled to the edge and peeked around it looking at the men again.

"h-he isn't here. Jeon got him" the maid said, knowing not to tell these people. She didn't want the hybrid to get hurt. These people had bad intentions, she could clearly see and feel that.

"bullshit! We will find him ourselves then" the man said and hit the maid's head and she fell unconscious. "find the kid, and fast. Before Jeon notices us" he said and the other nodded disappearing into rooms. One approached Taehyung's location and he shrieked. Covering his mouth with his hand. The other clutching the phone where jungkook still was on the call.

The man was dangerously close to him and went to the other side and quickly ran to the bedroom shutting the door a bit too loud.

"he is here!" he heard the voice outside the door. Taehyung had his back against it looking for a place to hide.

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