46: jealousy (m❗)

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❗trigger warning

Jungkook stood in the city staring at the docks in the distance. He had managed to bribe someone inside the ryu mafia to be his spy and got new information. Apparently Youngsoo will be hosting this year's casino cruise event. Jungkook had a plan in mind, he just had to make sure youngsoo will be taking Taehyung with him. He most likely will because he can't leave the mansion unattended while he was stuck on the boat somewhere.

Jungkook had to wait on that information before taking any new steps. He came here to relax a bit, he was too tense. He hasn't been able to properly rest and relax since taehyung was taken from him. He kept worrying for the boy, was he hurt again? Was he sad? Was he eating enough? Was he cold? Was he crying? Did he miss him? Jungkook kept having questions that wouldn't be answered.

Since he met up with youngsoo his whole business was going worse, youngsoo was messing with all his drug routes and other supplies that he was attacking to claim them for himself. it was pissing jungkook off as well, everything was going worse now. Jungkook didn't want to do love again, this is what comes with it.... but he didn't want to let go. He couldn't let go of taehyung. He had to get him back, he didn't want his hybrid to get hurt more. He wanted him safe in his arms, safe at his side. Only if he didn't have let him stay home alone that day...but Jungkook didn't know. He cant see the future, he thought the penthouse was safe for him, that no one knew about taehyung....

"Kookie~" someone said, someone Jungkook didn't want to see right now.

"If you don't get your smelly ass out of here within ten seconds i will have to kill you" jungkook said not turning around to even face the other. he kept staring at the water. his right hand in his pocket, the other holding the cigarette. already the fourth of the day, and it wasn't even lunch yet. Jungkook was stressed. The smoking didn't seem to work much anymore. He found his replacement for relaxing himself...and that one was taken from him.

"you know my men will hunt you if they know that, they are all around me here" jinsang said standing next to jungkook. "you know everything jungkook"

"I do, i simply do not care at this point"

"why are you so stingy..urgh" jinsang rolled his eyes.

"Because your brother took taehyung from me, i do not feel very happy about that"

"why do you care for that kid so much, he is just a hybrid damn"

"because i love him"

"You love the cat?'' Jinsang asked, frowning, his heart getting a sting hearing that from the raven. "what!? how can you just accept him but push me away for so long!?"

"Because he isn't a snake like you, he is kind and honest. He doesn't use me in the end for his own benefit. We both know what i am referring to Ryu" Jungkook took a drag of the cigarettes, now finding the time to spare his ex a glare.

"fucking hell, he cant be better than me, i know you better. i know you jungkook!"

"He is, his lips are soft, he is better in bed too. i found out i like them cute and innocent.'' Jungkook said and grinned knowing he was annoying jinsang with this information. "I don't want nor need you anymore Jinsang, you ruined your chance with me. it's over, we're still over."

"Fuck you!" jinsang turned around, walking away with an angry expression leaving the man he was trying to get back on the sidewalk.


"Jungkook just doesn't see he is missing me, he has to. why doesn't he want me back!!?" Jinsang walked through the mansion straight to the door where he knew their precious catch was being held. He unlocked the door closing it behind him as he stared at the hybrid who was laying on the bed sleeping, his ankles chained to the bed with a rather long chain comparing to what he had before when he was in the basement.

"What does he like about you so much..'' Jinsang said, staring at the boy as he walked closer, his eyes turning into a glare. His jealousy was growing bigger every second he thought of Jungkook and the hybrid. He knew, Jungkook told him, Jinsang did NOT like that. yes he betrayed jungkook, but he wanted the man back. Jinsang was easily affected by things, always being the one to get picked on in their family mafia. He was always the second choice of their father.

His hand touched the boy's fluffy ears feeling them, that woke the boy up who yelped shocked moving away from the man.

"Ah! m-mr.jinsang?" The boy was confused to see the other here, but he calmed down a little knowing this man knew jungkook. Did he come to save him? Will it be okay now?


"w-where is jungkook? Is he here too?" Taehyung asked, looking around but not seeing the raven anywhere, only the glare of Jinsang got intenser, which made him unsure about the situation.

"Jungkook this, taehyung that. fucking get apart already, what do you have that i dont, huh!?" Jinsang said and got up grabbing the hybrid pulling him toward him to study him. The hybrid was panicking, not getting what was happening.

"w-what are you doing!?" Taehyung asked, confused when he felt his shirt being lifted and hands touching his hair, lips, arms, legs. The man was feeling everywhere.

"you are the same, only those fucking stupid ears and talk of yours. and those ugly fangs" jinsang was feeling anger that came with the jealousy he felt. how come this hybrid was better than him, how was it possible that jungkook loved this hybrid more than him? He had to know what made this boy so special.

"Fucking jungkook replacing me like this." Jinsang said an pushed taehyung on his belly unbuckling his belt. if he cant have jungkook he can take whatever belongs to the man.

"A-ah s-sir dont!" the hybrid said trying to turn around but the man pushed him back down spreading his buns with his rough hands. not the warm ones Jungkook owned. "n-no only jungkook!"

"Shut it cat!" the man shouted, pressing the boy's head in the mattress as he forced himself inside. only letting go of the boy's head to let him breathe and not accidentally kill him. if that happens his brother and jungkook will kill him.

"y-your mean! you are a monster"

"dont fucking call me that!" Jinsang said, flipping the hybrid over on his back and push back in his hand wrapping around his neck squeezing it tightly. "i am no monster. you are the annoying brat that is taking Jungkook away from me!"

"i-i didn't do anything '' Taehyung said back while trying to get the other to let go of his neck, he felt his head heat up from the lack of air and blood streaming up.

"Why does he like you so much...WHY?!" Jinsang sped up. He wasn't gonna stop until he found out what Jungkook saw in this boy that he accepted him so quickly.


a little jealousyyyyyy, naega anin dareun saram ppaaaanhiiii - monsta x

thank you for reading, see you soon in the next update!


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