51: helicopter

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Jungkook was in trouble. it didnt go as smooth as he had hoped for, now he was caught in this gunfire on a fucking ship he did not own. It wasn't such a good situation.

"Hoseok! cover me!" Jungkook shouted and after getting a nod from his friend he stood up running to the other side where he got a better aim. "jeez stop firing at me" jungkook complained when he barely managed to dodge a bullet. He could see some wood splints coming from the board he was hiding behind. "Annoying rats everywhere"

"Jeon on your right!" hoseok shouted and the raven turned his head seeing two men above them on his right side. He quickly reloaded his gun and shot them before they could fire their guns. It was hard to clear the area, it was like hey kept coming. But the end was in sight. Hoseok and Jungkook had good teamwork with little communication. Just a wave of their hands was enough to give a whole warning. And then Jungkook's men, who got their backs in this. one after the other enemy fell down to the ground coloring the wooden deck with their blood. Jungkook was about to make a run for their escape ride when he saw someone walk over. of course it was none other than Youngsoo himself. a pissed off expression on his face seeing the scene. The man held his own gun in hand shooting two of jungkook; s men which made Jungkook annoyed as well standing up from his cover to look at the man he hated.

"Youngsoo!'' Jungkook shouted. immediately getting the men's attention.

"Well if it isn't Jeon Jungkook, '' Youngsoo said with a scoff. "Where is my hybrid?"

"he isn't yours"

"I caught him, you're not getting him back"

"Too bad he is already with me. That brother of yours even helped me do it" Jungkook replied, seeing youngsoo flick his tongue in annoyance.

"did he know...hmm I will speak to him later." youngsoo sighed, collecting himself again. "Besides, do you really think I didn't notice you stealing him back?" Youngso saw Jungkook a bit confused and he chuckled. "He is not getting off the ship. i know he is far away from you now, I have already send my men after him, and this time i will not spare his life if it happens to come in between me and what i want"

"Hoseok!" Jungkook shouted and ran off. Youngsoo laughed evil seeing Jungkook hurry to get to the hybrid.

"Hurry up Jeon. he doesn't have long to live. hahahahaha!" Youngsoo started firing now as well, but this time at hoseok who was covering for jungkook so he can get away. "Your life will do for now~"


"Taehyung were almost there, look, you're going home '' Jimin said as they ran towards the helicopter that had landed on the deck. As soon as the pilot saw them he started the engine.


a sudden gunshot was fired, jimin quickly pushed taehyung out of the way noticing the uninvited guest near them. "fuck, how did they catch up so quick!?" jimin cursed and got out his gun standing in front of Taehyung. "taehyung get in the helicopter, i will cover for you!"

"o-okay" Taehyung said, moving his shaking legs towards the helicopter nearby. It was scary to run this distance alone when he could hear gunshots behind him. He feared getting shot. He didn't want to die, not until he was back in Jungkook's arms. not until he can let this all go and forget all that had happened. just a bit more, he was almost there. He can hear the pilot shout at him to hurry up. almo-*bang!*

and then there was a heavy thud.

"Jimin!" Taehyung shouted, turning around with wide teary eyes. He could see Jimin on the floor, his white button up turning red quickly. He had to choose. goo in the heli or help his friend. "Jimin, jimin!" Taehyung ran to the man, he wasn't going to let Jimin die here.

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