40: gently (m)

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The next day Jungkook had returned from his work. He was at the dining table with taehyung, they had just finished their food and he was listening to taehyung who talked about a movie he was watching on tv. bragging about the hero being amazing.

"He could fly and destroy a whole space ship!"

"hmm" jungkook just nodded, not caring about the story but he let the boy talk seeing how happy the boy got while doing so.

"He is very cool. I want to be a superhero too," Taehyung said. Jungkook felt a little jealous hearing taehyung admire the movie character so much. But he quickly pushed that feeling away, he can't be a baby and get jealous over something like that.

"Taehyung, i have something for you" he started remembering something he wanted to give this morning but he forgot to do it. "this is my old phone, you might be able to use it."

"oh cool!" Taehyung smiles while taking the black phone from Jungkook's hand. "Can I really have this? isn't that very expensive??"

"It's my old one, it's fine. I don't use it anyway" jungkook replied. "Besides, you need something to be able to call us with. I have added all our numbers in there and only ours. YOu can find them here." Jungkook showed the boy how to use the phone and call someone.

"Can I change the names too?" Taehyung asked, seeing everyone was named so formally with the full name.

"Uh yea that's possible, but just leave it like this, '' Jungkook said but he already saw taehyung change his contact name. removing the 'Jeon Jungkook' and changing it to 'Mister Jungkook'. "ah, hm..." he was about to protest against it but he shut his lips. Taehyung seems to be happy about it.

"Can i call you now?" the hybrid asked excitedly.

"Not right now, I'm right here. but when I'm out you can call me. only when it's needed. don't call me for nonsense because I am a busy man and I don't need to be disturbed all the time for little things."

"But what if I'm hungry and the maids are not here?"

"then you wait"

"And if I burned my finger?"

"then ask a maid to help you"

"And what if I trip and scratch my knee?"

"get a plaster"

"and i-"

"tae, you know what I mean. dont ast dumb" jungkook chuckled shaking his head. Taehyung pouted but nodded.

"okay..." Taehyung scrolled through the contacts noticing there was no Lu in there, "where is Lu?"

Jungkook didn't want to add that one at first, Taehyung was getting too attached to Lu and he didn't like it, he felt jealous seeing Lu and taehyung get along so well.

"i want to call Lu too, add him for me" the hybrid handed the phone to jungkook demanding to have Lu's number as well. so against his will jungkook added his secretary to the contacts as well. but named it to 'do not call'.

taehyung frowned and changed the name to 'glasses guy'. "dont be mean to Lu. he got a name"

"you don't even remember his name most of the time"

"Yes I do! I just like to call him glasses. He got glasses, it looks cute"

"ah....'' Jungkook chuckled and stood up taking the dirty plates to the kitchen. letting the hybrid play on the phone and explore all the programs while he cleaned everything in the kitchen.

"Mister..." Taehyung asked softly, seeing Jungkook was done and drying his hands with the towel.


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