62: arcade

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The next day was something Jungkook wasn't sure if he should look forward to or not, he was conflicted. Taehyung had asked to go to an arcade together saying jungkook needs to loosen up more. the raven still looked so tense and on guard that taehyung wanted to do something fun make jungkook more relaxed. But Jungkook wasn't quite fond of doing such things so he wasn't sure if he was looking forward to it or not. but he, being the man in love he is, had agreed without thinking first. seeing taehyung's puppy eyes he didnt think and agreed to the idea.

and besides it's not like he can say no anymore, they were already driving into the parking lot of the building. He can't back out now.

"We're here," Jungkook said in an almost monotone voice.

"yes!" Taehyung hurried out of the car and hopped to the stairs where the sign of the arcade was seen with a big white arrow pointing down.

"You better not get lost," Jungkook said, not wanting to go running after the other. Instead he lit up a cigarette and calmly walked to the arrows and the boy who was already ahead of him, probably already inside. Well he thought indeed. because when he was about to enter the arcade building taehyung popped up in front of him looking at jungkook's hand. "what" jungkook said frowning at the other.

"smoking is bad"

"i know"

"you should stop..."

"no '' jungkook protestingly took a big drag of the cigarette and practically blew it in taehyung's face, the hybrid scrunched his nose and glared at him disapprovingly.

"Please just...not today. i don't want you to get sick from it"

"i want it, give me a minute"

"Kook...'' Taehyung looked a little disappointed at that reply and sighed walking to the entrance doors, not arguing more against it.

Jungkook raised his cigarette again but before he could put it between his lips he sighed and dropped it on the ground, rubbing it with his shoe and walking inside. He saw Taehyung standing next to the desk with his arms crossed. The raven bought them some play coins and handed taehyung half of them while they entered the arcade game hall. The sounds of many different games filled the air, so many bleeps and boops here, woosh and pow there. It was shortly said, noisy. Jungkook frowned not liking all the noise in here.

"Ta-oh?" he didn't see the boy next to him anymore making him confused where taehyung ran off to now. luckily he didn't have to search long, the boy was waving at him excitedly.

"Kookie! Come play this!"

"what is it?"

"air hockey!" Taehyung said not waiting for an answer, he put the coin inside and swung at the puck, it went straight for jungkook's goal.

"Hey!" Jungkook was fast and grabbed his pusher blocking the puk from making a goal. He swiftly pushed it towards Taehyung's side, the speed making the boy yelp. A 'ping' was heard when the puck went in the goal.

"That's mean!"

"says the one playing when i am not even there yet"

"ugh" taehyung didn't argue with that knowing that jungkook had a point there. "fine, take this!" he swung the pusher at the new puck and their fight began. It didn't last that long as Jungkook had absolutely no mercy on the boy. getting goal after goal making taehyung whine at him in annoyance.

"you're so mean! at least let me get one point!"

"no, its win or lose Tae.'' Jungkook said he was very competitive. that he didn't like it here doesn't mean he will play the games badly. He will try his hardest and make sure to win, hopefully even break some high scores of little kids that will go cry over it later.

"okay, then i challenge you"

"to what?"

"you accept the challenge or not?" Taehyung crossed his arms and blocked Jungkook's walking path, raising one eyebrow at the other.

"I do" Jungkook squinted his eyes at the other. Whatever it was, he will win it. even if it was fishing for little ducks. he was fine with everything-

well....everything but this...

"Okay, come on then" taehyung said ushering jungkook to come already. he was standing on the dance dance revolution board. the bright lights lighting up the arrows under his feet. "Hurry up, it's starting any moment now," Taehyung said while he was choosing a song to play.

With a sigh, Jungkook stood on the arrows and got ready. no way he was going to lose to this. He looked at the screen where a big 'start' appeared and positioned his feet. before he knew it the arrows moved on the screen and he was moving his feet everywhere to tap the arrows in time. Next to him he heard many giggles and laughs. Taehyung was really enjoying this. but he can't lose focus now, he kept going feeling his legs getting hot near the end of the song. What difficulty did Taehyung set for this? probably not easy mode.

"Hah, I got an A" Jungkook said and grinned, turning to taehyung.

"AA+, you lose!" Taehyung said happily and pointed at his screen where a big AA+ was seen.

"What!?" Jungkook frowned. He can't believe he lost on such an, in his eyes, childish game. "no way!"

"ahw, kookie is not so good anymore now? you're lacking" taehyung grinned seeing jungkook's eyes move to him. he quickly got out of arm reach while laughing.

"oh, the game is so ON now, '' Jungkook said. and so they played the whole time. going from one game to another. Jungkook even went to get new coins, they were running through them so fast. He wasn't even planning on doing so much, but he was actually...having fun. He was having fun with taehyung. both having big smiles on their faces. a feeling Jungkook didn't remember experiencing. It's been too long. But it was nice.

such a day is exhausting. more than a gunfight jungkook was used to. They were having a toilet break. from drinking and gaming you had to pee quickly. so they both did their thing in the stalls.

"you know after this i am going to beat your ass in Shooting ranger" jungkook said knowing taehyung was in the stall next to him.

"But that's not fair, you know how to shoot!"

"Sucks to be you then" jungkook chuckled, leaving the stall to wash his hands. Taehyung came out after him and stole his water, washing his hands. Jungkook frowned and put his hand under the water beam making it all splatter up in Taehyung's face.

"aah! don't do that, so mean!" Taehyung frowned, rubbing his face dry on Jungkook's shirt. The raven just smiled at it and cupped the boy's face making him face him before kissing him. taehyung was surprised by the unexpected kiss, but quickly enough melting in the other. his hands fisting jungkook's shirt and kissing back.

They parted and stared at each other lovingly.

"i love you so much"

"i love you too"

"let's play now shall we, i am not going until i've played shooting ranger"

"Okay, let's go then!" Taehyung smiled and ran off.


just some fluff and fun moments of the two hehe. Hope you enjoyed, see you in the next chapter!


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