10: helping out (m)

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"Where the fuck is that guy, it doesn't take this long to get those meds" Jungkook complained as he looked at taehyung who had already taken off his shirt. and sat on the ground, the floor was cooler than the couch. but he had a hard time. Jungkook saw how the boy was rubbing his legs together and whining.

"T-touch me~" Taehyung whined. Jungkook looked at the boy, seeing the hybrid had lost it. "M-master~"

"I'm not your master," Jungkook said, not saying that it turned him on. He liked to be called master, it gave him the feeling of power. like he was being put on a throne.

"M-master. touch taetae. Need you...it hurts....i need it" taehyung said and crawled to the raven haired man on the couch placing his hands on jungkook's knees. The raven just stared at the boy, not saying anything. Taehyung moved closer, moving his hands over Jungkook's legs towards the man's crotch. "make it stop....touch me~" taehyung's eyes were yellow. Jungkook knew now that the boy was a real carrier. which means he can have children. Jungkook chuckled.

"You want me to touch you hm?"

"Yes...please tae needs it~" jungkook felt like it was a different taehyung talking to him now but that didn't matter to him. The boy was asking for it. and Jungkook was a horny bastard. what his ex used to call him when they were still together. He grabbed taehyung pulling the boy on his lap so he was straddling him. "Well then, let me touch you" jungkook already forgot about the meds. This idea of getting his heat gone was more appealing to him anyway. He smelled the sweet scent of the hybrid and felt the clean freshly washed skin with his hands. The hybrid had a soft skin, the boy felt healthy which surprised him knowing the boy came from the streets.

He moved one hand down to the boy's crotch and slipped his hand into his pants touching the boy's member. Taehyung's breath hitched and he shivered, grabbing Jungkook's shoulders. The raven started stroking the boy's member fastly making the hybrid moan and press his face in the raven's neck.

"Do I make you feel that good, hm?" Jungkook asked. getting more fun out of it than he intended. The first was going to be the last, but Jungkook didn't have enough. He wanted more. He just couldn't refuse the boy asking him to touch him.

"Y-yes...tae needs more~"

"more hmm? well then" jungkook moved his other free hand to the boy's ass feeling the slick. His fingers slipped inside the hybrid's hole and made sure to move them good and fast, making the boy twitch and whine in his ear trying to hold a moan. "Come on, moan for me," Jungkook whispered and bit Taehyung's ear. the hybrid didn't hold them back and moaned. The raven grinned liking that, and squeezed the hybrid's member baking him gasp.

"m-master" taehyung whispered his hand rubbing over the raven's clothed member which was hard. Jungkook chuckled, letting the boy do as he wanted, feeling that the hybrid was zipping open Jungkook's pants. his soft hand wrapping around the raven's member.

"Hot...hot..hot" taeyugn said a bit complaining between the act his head resting on jungkook's shoulder his pants were pulled down more to give the raven more space to move his fingers. Taehyung stroked Jungkook's member with his hands making sure to return the favor to the man. "a-aahh. i-i-ah" taehyung didn't get to finish his sentence when he came, his tights were shaking for a few seconds. his hands stopped stroking the raven.

"don't stop that, keep going" jungkook said in a low voice. the hybrid did as told moving his hands again. but he wanted something else. he slid off the raven's lap his face next to the raven's member. Jungkook raised a brow and leaned back in the couch waiting for the boy to do something. "go on then"

Taehyung licked the raven's member from the base to the tip. Then he wrapped his lips around the tip, giving it little sucks as his hand kept stroking up and down. Jungkook was amazed by the boy's ability to this. It must be because of Taehyung's heat. He ran his fingers through the boy's blonde hair guiding him to bob his head up and down. "fuck" jungkook cursed feeling himself close. he let go of the boy allowing him to move away which the boy didnt he kept going moving his head faster and hummed when the raven came. filling his mouth with the hot come.

"hmmm" taehyung pulled away and rested his head on the raven's thigh closing his eyes. he was sleepy. He hadn't slept enough last night when he was kidnapped. and the exhaustion after this all together made him fall asleep unexpectedly.

Jungkook looked at the boy and zipped up his pants. "this boy" he mumbled seeing his shirt dirty from the hybrid's come he had to send these to the wash again. but for now he used a tissue to wipe it away and from the sleeping hybrid. He put Taehyung's clothes back on and played him gently on the couch covering him with a blanket. He might be in heat but after these kinds of things they will return to their normal body temperature, he doesn't want the boy to feel cold.

"Such an amusing hybrid," Jungkook said. "you make me think of keeping you for myself."

*knock knock* Jungkook looked up at the door.

"Come in '' he said and walked to the door that opened. a cleaning lady walked inside holding a small white bag.

"I got handed these medications to bring them to you?" she said.

"yes, thank you" jungkook took the bag and closed the door after the lady left. "Well, guess these are not needed anymore now" Jungkook said looking at the suppressants in the bag then at taehyung on the couch. "i need a fucking cigarette" the raven lit up a cigarette and opened a sliding glass door to stand on the balcony. He had only met this boy a week ago and those times were already too much. he was seen with the hybrid. Which was bad. because Jungkook didn't want the boy to get involved in things like this. Taehyung was innocent. He just helped him out once, because if jungkook didn't the boy might end up in a worse condition than he already was. but now, he actually did not want to send the boy away. "no jungkook, you're only making it worse. just bring him back" he told himself as he blew out the smoke. He knew he should drop the boy off in the alley again, but he didn't really want to.

"We will see tomorrow" he mumbled to himself, pressing the cigarettes on the table before throwing it in the small trash can on the balcony. 


thank you for reading. see you in the next chapter!

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