28: connection

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The hybrid woke up, he was warm but he missed something, something was missing. The boy tiredly opened his eyes and looked at the other side of the bed. It was empty... He felt his heart clench sadly not seeing jungkook here like most mornings lately. He sat up and hissed feeling his ass was hurt. Then the memories of yesterday came back, he let Jungkook help him in his heat. The hybrid blushed a deep red and covered his face in the blanket whining at himself kicking his legs.

"Tae, so embarassingggg!" he told himself and sighed removing the blankets from his face. He turned his head back to the side and sighed again. why is jungkook not here? did he leave? why did he leave? after that... The hybrid sat up again and slowly moved himself to the edge of the bed getting on his feet. He didn't remember getting to bed, Jungkook must have taken him there. The heat is exhausting for the hybrid to go through even with the help of someone to fill their needs. The boy limped a bit as he made his way to the closet to get dressed, he was only wearing boxers which were quite big for him, he was sure these were not his. He removed his boxers and wore fresh ones and one of Jungkook's shirts. if the raven was not here he would still feel somewhat close by having one of his shirts that was smelling of the raven. He didn't care if it was already worn, he just wanted to wear this right here and right now.

He walked to the windows to open the curtains, when he did his eyes widened on the balcony stood Jungkook, he was smoking seeing the cigarette in his hand. He was wearing some white bathrobes. The hybrid immediately opened the door by sliding it to the left and stepped out silently. He stood next to Jungkook who turned his head to the boy.

"smoking is bad for you...'' Taehyung said softly not making eye contact, he felt embarrassed about yesterday, he didn't know when he did that, he wasn't planning to do it so soon. but he was glad it was Jungkook and not someone else. He only wanted jungkook to do it.

"Hm" jungkook hummed but took a last drag and pressed the cigarette in the little bowl. "How are you feeling?" he asked.

"Im...alright" taehyung said then rubbed his ass. "my bum hurts a little bit..."

" that's fine" jungkook said his idea did work but he didn't want the boy to be in pain, so he asked to make sure he was doing alright. "you're up quite early"

"i woke up..." taehyung said, wanting to actually add that he woke up because he missed jungkook's presence. but he decided not to. The raven seemed a bit tense.

"I see...do you have regrets?" Jungkook asked, he was sounding so serious, it was not the cold like usual but this sounded different. It made Taehyung feel very nervous. like something was coming.

"no...not really." taehyung fiddled with the edge of the shirt nervously looking down, his toes curling a bit over the balcony floor unsure what posture to take in this situation.

"That's good"

"and...and you?"

jungkook was silent for a moment. "no, i don't."

"Why didn't you give me the suppressants? y-you have them right?"

"because i didn't want to"

"but....why?" Taehyung now looked up at the other meeting his eyes that were already looking at him. the raven sighed and everted them for a few seconds.

"because...i." jungkook shut his lips again, he shook his head. "I wanted to do it, I wanted to feel you" Jungkook turned fully to face the hybrid whose eyes were big, looking at him. The raven took a step closer to the hybrid who was hesitating if he should take a step back or not, but he didn't. Jungkook bend down slightly to get more to the other's level. "Because I am not going to let you leave anymore, you are mine from now on. My Taehyung, my Kitten" the raven then snaked an arm around the hybrid and pulled him closer tilting his head as he looked at the boy. Taehyung placed a hand on the man's chest and, surprised by the action, his heart was going crazy from the closeness. Jungkook leaned closer, his lips brushing over the boy's cheek before nearing his lips a second time since yesterday. When he gently touched those of the hybrid he pressed them together, connecting their lips in a kiss.

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