56: back for revenge -2-

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It was time, the group had gathered in a dark street alley to go over the plan once more. it didn't sound so complicated, but the hard part was always to execute it right. "Alright, I will be going then. i have further to go than you guys" jimin said and ran off into the street to find a high location near their target building. the big backpack on his back filled with the equipment he needed.

"Okay, lets go" Jungkook said to hoseok who gave him a nod. Yes jungkook wasnt so stupid to go alone with his closest friends. we had a backup team ready, but this should be done more stealthy, they can't barge in with force like normal. it will blow their cover. they want to secretly eliminate youngsoo without jinsang knowing and get alarmed. Jungkook had his men around the building to kill everyone that may leave the building during the time.

"Wait, how do we even get in?" Hoseok asked.

"I have a card from Yoongi, it should open the back door for us. If not, then we will have to climb" Jungkook said as he looked up at the tall building. There was no sign of a helicopter, it seems youngsoo haven't arrived yet which was good for them. they were ahead of him.

"Jeon Ryu's helicopter has been spotted, you have ten minutes until his arrival" Yoongi informed through their earpiece.

"got it" jungkook said and headed with hoseok to the back door unlocking it. "oh i didn't expect it to actually work" he mumbled. which didn't go unnoticed by his partner.

"Did you just question my technical abilities? want me to go offline on you?'' Yoongi threatened.

"don't be a kid, let's get this over with," Jungkook said, holding back a chuckle. Hoseok and the others had clearly noticed jungkook blooming up again. dropping his cold emotionless act he had made himself live in and slowly going back to his normal self. Taehyung managed to break through the walls jungkook had build for himself.

"Okay, the first floor is clear. you can go" yoongi informed as he kept a close eye on the 3d mapping he just made with Hoseok's scan that the man was wearing on his jacket. He could see every corner and every door in the building.

Jungkook gave hoseok the sign to follow. Jungkook wasn't a big fan of doing things himself. He would usually send his men towards the job or just walk after them until they got to the boss. judging his men their work heavily. But this time it's something he should do himself. He wants to be the one to take Ryu brother's life. He wants to be the one to take taehyung's revenge. not one of his men, that wouldn't please him. Too easy. too little for what they have done.

"Seven minutes, move quickly. you don't want to miss the shot" yoongi said checking the messages on his other computer that were telling him the time of the helicopter landing.

"Yea yea, plenty of time" jungkook muttered back as they walked up the stairs. as yoongi said there was no one here at all. probably they were on the higher floors. "we s-" jungkook quickly shut his lips hearing voices around the corner. slowly he loads his gun making sure the magazine was full before peeking around the corner. in the small two seconds he saw two guards talking together. well they looked like normal men wearing hoodies and baggy pants. just the average drug dealer look most would go for. They didn't look like they were in a rich mafia like Jungkook and Youngsoo's. Jungkook looked at hoseok giving him some hand signs. hoseok nodded and went ahead rolling to the other side of the hallway. It took merly three seconds they jumped from behind their hiding spot and ran to the men Slamming them in the chest while covering their mouth from any sounds. they can't risk making noise now. yes they had a silencer but they will use it for the last parts. they don't have all the bullets of the world with them.

"this is gonna be a long night, these stairs are endless" hoseok whispered complaining about all the stairs they had to take to get up there, he rather use the elevator but yoongi said not to do it. so they won't.

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