14: return

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Taehyung being the curious hybrid he was, was currently taking his time exploring whatever this place was. He came to one of the bottom floors unknowingly where supplies were stored.

He opened a box he saw and began investigating the things inside like he found treasure. "woah, so colorful!'' Taehyung said seeing clear green bottles inside the box. The other boxes contained even more boxes of them. And another had blue bottles. He took one out and read the front.

"70...Percent....Alcohol?....What's that? '' The boy asked and frowned, he didn't understand. Was this math? Why the percentage? He frowned, not liking the drink and put it back. He shoved it towards the shelf nearby and stood on it carefully reaching up to the smaller boxes. He was leaving no spot untouched. He wanted to know what was in all these boxes.

"more bottles?" the boy said a bit questioningly. But these were smaller and square shaped. He just thought they were odd. And there were not so many; these were the only four here on the shelf. The boy hummed and was about to place it back into its box when he heard someone.

"Hey you!"

"ah!" the boy was startled and the bottle slipped through his fingers and hit the floor. Shattering into pieces. The liquid spreads through the shards. Unusable now.

"intruder!" the guard shouted and ran towards the boy who jumped off the boxes and ran away. Taehyung was freaking out. He didn't want to break something. But the man just came out of nowhere, he couldn't help it.

"get back here!" the man shouted and grabbed a gun. Taehyung ran towards the elevator in a panic. Luckily for him the doors opened. He peeked over his shoulder seeing the guard run around the corner and aim his gun. But the man froze. Taehyung thought he got away when he suddenly hit against a hard surface. He fell back on his ass and rubbed his nose.

"owie, wha-" he didn't even finish the word when he looked up and looked right into Jungkook's eyes.

"Come with me," Jungkook said and yanked Taehyung up, pushing him into the elevator. The guard approached them by now.

"sir! This intruder was sneaking around in the storeroom" the guard said.

"I know, I will handle him. Don't you dare raise a gun at him again, he is with me and i do not allow any life threatening acts towards him" Jungkook said and the guard nodded giving an apology.

"Now, be on your way, he won't bother you again" jungkook turned around, stepping in the elevator to let the doors close. He used his thumb to access the penthouse and they went up.

Taehyung looked down, his ears hanging sad, he avoided eye contact.

"what did i tell you?" Jungkook asked.

Taehyung shrugged.

"Why did you leave the house? I thought it was clear you should NOT leave the house."

"i-im sorry....I was hungry and wanted to get some food, so I went out a-and i got curious about the buttons here. So I just pressed all of them" taehyung said, pointing to the elevator buttons. The doors opened and he obediently followed Jungkook back into the penthouse. "i-i didn't mean to break the bottle i just wanted to look"

"You broke a bottle?!" Jungkook raised his voice raising and frowning looking at the boy Whose ears went flat immediately at the raise of his voice and he flinched visibly.

"i-i am sorry, mister....P-please im sorry"

Jungkook turned around and looked into his home. Seeing it was a mess. Dishes in the kitchen and near the couch magazines scattered through the house. Blankets on the floor with pillows. Nothing was looking as neat as how he left it. It looked like someone was actually living here and not like he entered a showroom.

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