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It was a cold evening, it was dark and pouring down. But even if it was raining there was a very annoyed raven haired man standing in an alley one hand in his pockets in the other he held a cigarette, his back leaning against the wall. One of his guards held up an umbrella so he wouldn't get wet. His dark almost black eyes staring at the person a few meters in front of him.

"P-please, it won't happen again!" The man said he was pushed on his knees by two men behind him. his clothes were already soaked from the rain and being pushed in a puddle of water earlier. His face had scratches from the fall. The guards looked at their boss for instructions, their boss whose name was Jeon jungkook. Jungkook just moved his finger while he blew out the smoke. The men that held the man down on his knees gave him a hard punch in the face. the man groaned seeing the blood drop from his nose spreading in the rain water that had wet the ground.

"I will be loyal!" he shouted, almost begging the man that stood under the umbrella watching him silently.

"I cant trust you anymore Zhang, you fucked up '' Jungkook said as he dropped the cigarette and crushed it with his shoe. He put both his hands in his pocket, taking a few steps forward. the guard with the umbrella following his boss.

"Please give me one more chance!"

"I already did, yet you betrayed me a second time. we can't have that. will die '' Jungkook said and got out his gun loading it with no haste whatsoever. The man was trying to break free but the men held him too tight.

"J-jeon p-please i'm begging you!"

"Should have thought of your actions before you decide to betray me, i have no use for you anymore. goodbye" Jungkook said and aimed his gun, pulling the trigger. a single bang was heard and the man went limp. a hole in his head. Jungkook suddenly heard a yelp and his head snapped to the side. behind the corner of a wall was someone peeking at them. He put the gun away and sighed silently. "clean the body. and get me that boy"

Taehyung couldn't believe what he saw. but when suddenly the gun fired he couldn't hold back the scared yelp from escaping his lips. when he made that sound the man with the gun turned his head and looked right at him. He was frozen in place as they locked eyes but the boy was very fast to run when suddenly the black haired man started walking towards him.

"no no no" Taehyung said as he ran away, he knew he shouldn't be curious and see what was going on, he would be still under his blanket sleeping. He ran as fast he could and jumped behind a corner. He forgot it was being built there and the way was blocked. so he squeezed himself against the wall making him as tiny as he could he wrapped his tail under his shirt to hide the white fur that stood out in the dark. He didn't hear anything but Taehyung still held a hand over his mouth as he shrunk even smaller against the wall. He was so scared, those men did not look like good people, they just killed someone. Taehyung didn't want to die yet.

There was one that looked at him so intensely, Taehyung for sure he knew he had to run and couldn't be found. He shut his eyes trying not to cry, if he did he would make a noise. Suddenly he heard footsteps through the rain drops that fell on the ground and the ruffling of clothes.

His heart froze and his body went cold when he felt a hot breath against his ear.

"well hello there....kitten"


also before this, dont smoke yall its bad for your health lmao,

this was just a short intro to this story. I hope you think its interesting. i had multiple stories and just combined them into this one. they had all a bit the same idea so this is a creation of three different things. i hope it wil work and you will enjoy. I will see you in the next chapter!



-age gap






-unrealistic events

-top kook

-bot tae


-happy ending

please if you get triggered by any of these things i suggest you don't read it. Or you can just skip those parts and ignore it happened lmao/ either way i hope those who will still read enjoy it, i will do my best to make it a good story. thank you for showing interest! I will see you in the next and first chapter.


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