55: back for revenge -1-

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It's been a few days since Jungkook had been preparing the whole plan to end the Ryu brothers. He was ready, well almost. He was currently standing at the front door ready to leave, it will be a long drive to wherever Youngsoo was and then an endless drive to the Ryu family mansion. Jungkook didn't think Jinsang would be too hard to get to, jungkook knew the other well. He had his ways to get in there with ease. It just takes a good act.

"Kookie.." Taehyung's soft voice was heard behind him making the raven turn around. Jungkook took a few seconds before turning around, he didn't know why but he felt pain in his heart when he looked at the other. Why did it feel like an end? Why did it feel so heavy? Jungkook felt like this would be the last time...

"Tae, love" Jungkook walked back to the front door where Taehyung stood looking a bit sad. Of course he was sad, he didn't know when Jungkook would be back. The raven was staying inside a hotel for the time being, he didn't want to exhaust himself too much and lose focus, so he had planned everything with a night in between. expecting the news to not move that fast, it was a risky thing to hope for but he was going to take it, he can't risk himself getting into danger that could be harmful for his health and ability to go back home.

"When will you be back?"

"On days Tae, I will stay in a hotel each night, you can call me then. " jungkook said, lying to the other. He doesn't know when. if everything went well he will be back before the other knew it, he just hoped soon. "

"i will" taehyung smiled and hugged the other before giving him a kiss on the lips. The others smiled at the two and got inside their cars ready to leave. they had a tight schedule, everything had to be perfect. Yoongi had planned out the perfect plan they only had to follow it.

"See you in three days, my love. we will go do something fun, i will take you on all the dates you want" jungkook smiled cupping taehyung's face smiling at the other. "Listen well to Lu, he will be with you until I am back. Namjoon will be in the city too, if anything really goes wrong call him. Lu knows his number."

"Okay, i will"

"Oh, and don't be afraid. I will be back, you will be fine. Lu is a good listener"

Taehyung nodded and pouted when Jungkook stepped away from him heading to his car.


The raven turned around again. holding the car door in his hand.

"be careful"

"I will, don't worry. '' Jungkook said he didn't want taehyung to worry. the boy should just relax. even if Jungkook had some doubts in his head about this. but there was no backing out. It was now or never. it will only be a matter of time until the Ryu's will strike again. and he was sure this time they won't spare Tahyung's life if they manage to get their hands on him. Jungkook really pissed youngsoo off when they escaped the boat.

Everyone was in their cars and drove off. Taehyung waved at them until they disappeared in the distance, already feeling worried for each one of them.

"Shall we head inside?" Lu asked the hybrid. Taehyung just nodded. He needed Jungkook, but he had to do it without the other for three days.

"I can do this," Taehyung told himself. He will try not to cry. like Jungkook told him. Jungkook told him to not think of the bad things that had happened. that he will be there for him when he gets back, that they will have all the time in the world then. So Taehyung being the good boy he was will do his best and do as Jungkook told him. thinking of happy things to not remember the bad things.

"They will be fine kid, they are a good team" Lu knew taehyung was worried. who wouldn't be if their love just goes off to do something dangerous, everyone would be worried for them. Even if you knew they were strong, you never know what can happen. even the strongest got their weaknesses. and everyone makes a mistake...


Later that same day Jungkook and the others had arrived at their first stop in the nearby city. sitting together in Yoongi's hotel room. looking at the screens he had set up there he will stay here and guide them as they head out early this morning. They knew Youngsoo would be meeting someone a few minutes form here, they just had to plan out a good sneaky attack. Youngsoo would surely be guarded by his men, He was the older brother after all. He won't be so easy to kill right away.

"So I go take the roofs. and hoseok goes with jungkook?" Jimin asked if he understood his task well.

"Yes, We need someone to have a good overview of the situation. You are the best form us in using the sniper so you will have to do it.'' Yoongi said.

"hmm too bad i wanted to kick someone"

"you get enough chances for that klater baby" yoongi chuckled and typed something in his computer and a blueprint map came on screen. "Look, this is the building he will be in. He is meeting a drug dealer, but I know he is in the mafia as well. He isn't a big one but he got some power. He won't be of much trouble for you, only his guards may cause a trouble, huis and oyungsoo's combined are more than we had been counting on" yoongi said and showed the drug dealer's profile on the other screen, he had managed to find mugshots of the man, he had been in jail before for drug smuggling. "But, as far as I heard youngsoo will be heading there by helicopter, so I expect them to meet up on the roof, which is the perfect spot for Jimin to keep an eye on you guys." He pointed at the screen. "As you see there are stairs, and an elevator. but i suggest you don't use it. if they see us coming they will most likely shut it down and you will be trapped. also try to stay close to the right side of the building windows where jimin can see what's happening."

"Sounds like a plan," hoseok said. Jungkook had been silent and he took in all the information. he was not going to follow his own plan with this one. He can't mess this up or their whole preparations will be for nothing. Jungkook was prepared for complications, but better try to avoid them.

"I have these earpieces modified. I will be able to scan any nearby enemies if they are wearing any kind of online device. So i will be speaking to you, you can also talk to each other so make sure you don't switch the line or else it will disturb our line." he handed out the earpieces to each of them. "I will be here, if i get found out you know where to find me"

"alright, everyone ready?" Hoseok asked. Everyone nodded. "let go sleep and we will meet outside at 3:30"

The groups stood up and left Yoongi and Jimin's room heading to their own for the night. It won't be long sleep. They only had roughly 5 hours left but i t was better than nothing. It will be a long day. trying to kill two in two days will ask all their concentration and energy. But if they finish it it will be worth it.


part one of the revenge chapters. probably making three. see you in the next chapter!


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