25: head pats

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A few days had passed and Jungkook was glad with his choice, he now always knew the boy would be waiting for him at home, it made things feel different. Everytime he went out for gang business he would be more careful, knowing someone was waiting for his return. Jungkook didn't want these feelings of responsibility and care. but he couldn't help it. It was a good feeling which he couldn't fight. A feeling he hasn't felt in so long. But still, the raven was not ready to acknowledge the feeling fully and accept it, slow steps. maybe stopping here and there to think of what he was doing. Each time he would say it is time to stop and take steps back, let go of the boy to avoid getting connected more. but he couldn't, it kept coming back each time more intensely. There was no way he couldnt get rid of it.

he didn't want to submit to it and say it, he was walking around it for now.

"Jeon, we found the money," Jimin said as he poked his head up from the basement.

"I will inform the guys to move, we will be away before they return" jungkook said and grabbed his phone dialing Hoseok's number who was waiting nearby with the van to collect and escort the money to their warehouse.

"Sir! a car has been spotted, they are sending reinforcements!" a man shouted, rushing to the boss. Jungkook looked at him and nodded with a hum.

"Send them to the front, i don't want to see a single one of these ants near us" Jungkook ordered and the man ran off commanding his fellow men to his boss's order.

"Jeon, we don't have much time. I'm gonna run with them to get this done" hoseok said. Jimin was about to say he was gonna help too but jungkook stopped him. "Jimin need you to stay here and protect our gang, i will go search form something real quick"

"ah....okay i will, be careful" Jimin said and made his way to the line outside the house where their gang was hiding ready to fight.

While the things were being taken care of, Jungkook headed to the headman's office again, he had the feeling he missed something there. The door was already open, blood splatters on the door and floor, the dead body of the headman on the ground all cold and lifeless. Not a bother to him anymore. The raven's eyes looked around and then he found it, he was right he had seen something here. He walked to the desk and grabbed the printed letter from the table looking at the text before moving right to the end where the name of the sender was. 'Jiu Jinsang'

"That bitch, '' Jungkook muttered. "doesn't know when to stop" the raven sighed frustrated, Jinsang was adding so much trouble to Jungkook's plate. He kept interfering with jungkook; s deliveries and business which was starting to get very annoying. normally jungkook would do this now and then for important things but now he had to go with one the little things too to find out who the fuck was messing with his work this time. But now he knew it was Jinsang and he was done quite fast. "Guess I have to invite him for a drink," Jungkook said, he would have to request to meet Jinsang and tell him to keep his nose out of this city.

"Jeon! we have to go, they are with many" a man said rushing into the room. Jungkook gave a nod and folded the paper, putting it in his chest pocket to read it later at home in detail.

He followed his men out of the house who shot some bullets at their attackers who hid behind two cars.

"Get them!" Jungkook heard someone shout from behind the car. He didn't wait and grabbed a hold of his gun aiming his arm forward and shot the man that poked his head above the roof. He could see his body falling back and blood splatter up in the air. Jungkook chuckled, he liked to see his actions work out perfectly. Jungkook was very skilled in his work, but he preferred to not get his hands dirty, he liked to let others do the work while he just looked at it, always sighing when he had to take action himself. He was quite lazy when it came to gang work, he felt other smaller gangs didn't matter, he saw himself higher than anyone out there. the only one that came almost to his level was the Ryu family, they made a huge rise after Jinsang left and disappeared for years. Jungkook didn't expect him to return, but it seems he had been working after their breakup.

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