30: snuggled

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It's been a day and it's currently almost midnight. Jungkook had left the penthouse and the hybrid in the night. Wanting the boy to not know he was gone. But it was hard as when he woke up from his phone buzzing as an alarm the boy had wrapped himself around him in his sleep. Jungkook had managed to tear the boy off him but the tail was hard to get off. It was wrapped in a spiral around his arm and would let go. Somehow he got his arm free and pushed a pillow in the boy's arms to hug onto that.

At the moment Jungkook was sitting in a bar with a small glass of alcohol being held with his fingertips. He swirled the liquid around looking in front of him unbothered. His cold attitude was making the person next to him uncomfortable and move away slightly. Some just left. He looked at the cards in his hand and placed them all on the table.

"I win," he said, gulping his glass empty and signaling for a refill. The other men at the table scoffed and pushed the bet money towards him. Some left the table irritated, one stayed placing the cards back in a nice stack.

"Well hello there handsome" a familiar voice said. Jungkook looked next to him, the empty seat now taken by no other than Ryu Jinsang . "thank you for inviting me on a date"

"I didn't think you were gonna show up. You're late" Jungkook said, not acknowledging his ex's comment.

"hm i wasn't going to, i just happen to be around" Jinsang said and placed his hands on the table getting comfortable. He ordered a drink from a waiter walking around. "so what do you need? Changed your mind already?"

"get out of my city. I don't need your nose poking in my business"

Jinsang looked like he was getting annoyed that the raven wasn't giving him any attention and kept ignoring whatever he said. "you're no fun," he mumbled. "and why would i do that. There is much profit to get here. Its a job that only one can win, you know that very well Jungkook"

"its Jeon for you '' Jungkook said, now giving the man a glance but only to glare at his direction. He was keeping as little eye contact as possible to not get any feelings involved which might come back. Anger? Hurt? Care? He didn't know if anything was still there and he didn't want to know. All he felt now was annoyance that this dude was messing up his business in the city.

"why did you change so much, you grew up so much more suddenly" jinsang changed the topic.

"You know what happened. It doesnt need to be discussed any further"

"still about that. That was years ago" jinsang sighed. "Let's team up again. We c-"

"no, I'm not doing that ever again. It's over, it has been over and it will stay over. I have no more interest in you, you did what you did and that's done" jungkook gulped his glass empty again and suddenly his phone lit up. He bend forward reading the notification. It was from Lu.

'the boy is still sleeping, he is fine'

Jungkook grabbed his phone and put it in his pocket. Seek Jinsang was already eying his phone as well.

"why, did you find someone new?"

"I already told you, I don't love anymore. Now if you will excuse me" the raven stood up. "get out of my city or I will have to escort you myself."

"oh well, i would prefer you to show me the way then"

"i give you a week." Jungkook didn't say anything more and walked away leaving Jinsang with his drink at the table looking not so pleased at the meetup. He mumbled to himself and glared at the raven's back leaving the bar.


Jungkook got back home and parked his car in the basement parking lot. Yes he can drive he just doesn't want to if not needed. At night he doesn't want to wake up his driver so he just takes his own car and drives himself to where he needs to go.

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