47: ready

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The guard stood in front of the door. Making sure no one can just enter or leave. More like making sure their prisoner won't escape. But the man had a difficult time focusing. He kept getting distracted by the voice that came from the inside.

"dirty....Tae is dirty.....Why doesn't it come off!" 

"stupid man. I hate you!"

The man outside flinched from tje sudden shout of the hybrid.

"N-now Jungkookie Doesn't want me anymore....I'm used.....Im disgusting like the others..."

The guard shook hisbhead and walked away. He didn't want to hear all that. He just couldn't. First he had to hear the youngest master have his way while he could only wait outside listening to the cries and other sounds. He wasn't gonna stay here when he heard the other talk like this and the little sobs that followed after. He just couldn't. 


Jungkook had a lead. He got something useful . Currently he stood with Yoongi in the room, the older was explaining what he had found through their infiltrator.

" just informed me that Youngsoo will be personally attending the ship, he will highly likely take taehyung with him. He had  it once but  fully confirmed it yet. So in my opinion i would go with our ship plan hoping that he indeed with take the hybrid with him." yoongi said. "youngsoo isnt stupid to leave his prisoner alone, he got what he needed so he wont risk losing it like that."

"Sounds good, let's do that. Do we need tickets for the ship?"

"yes, but leave that up to me. I will get us a ticket, that's not gonna be a trouble at all" 

"great. I will go through the plan with the others. I also gotta call Lu, i will do that first so he is up to date" jungkook said and left the room leaving yoongi to work.

Once outside the room he dialed Lu's number who picked up after the second ring, he is always quick to answer the calls.

"Lu speaking"

"yes, it's Jeon. I will leave you in charge of the casino, I will be busy for a while. We have a plan to get my Tae back so you keep an eye out on business for me."

"will do, and...Keep me updated, yes?" Lu asked. He wanted to know when taehyung was back safe. Lu was very worried for the bot but Jungkook hadn't told him a thing het only that he was alive and he knew where he was and who got him. 

"fine" Jungkooo said and. "If there is trouble on the job, call Kim Namjoon, he will be available. I leave the rest to him"

"Of course, do not worry. Your casino is in safe hands" Lu chuckled.

"good, that's it. Bye"jungkook the. Ended their call and walked into the livingroom of the mansion where the others were waiting for his return. 

"Where is he, and any news?" hoseok asked when jungkook entered the room.

"yes, we have a temporally plan so far" Jungkook stood in front of the other that had gathered around the table and explained the whole thing to the group.

"Sounds good, perfect," Jimin nodded, agreeing to the plan. "When will the ship leave?"

"tomorrow night, so we gotta get ourselves some new outfits that are suitable. Weapons are not allowed and we will be checked"

"leave that to me. I know the perfect  brand suits." Jimin said smiling. "lucky you who got the perfect team. Well then let's all get to work and meet tomorrow after lunch to prepare" Jimin suggested. Everyone agreed, even jungkook who only gave a simple nod in reply.


Taehyung sat in his room on the bed, he still was trying to get those chains off. Of course he isn't that strong, but he could at least try. 

"Come on!" he said, annoyed by the heavy cold metal around his ankle. He was so focussed that he was startled by the door opening. 

"oh so you feel fine now" It was youngsoo and two of his guards who were always accompanying him wherever he went. 

"Of course not, what do you think?!" taehyung said angrily.

"don't act bratty to me!" youngsoo said back and grabbed the boy's hair pulling him off the bed roughly. "i will need you now, be a good example for Jeon jungkook will you?"

Youngsoo said and let go of the boy nodding at his men. 

"n-no no!" Taehyung usually wasn't like this. He would fight back, but since he got here he knew it was no use. It would only make it worse. 

But as always the men did not stop for his words. They didn't feel any regret or sympathy when they hit the hybrid. Not even when they saw him bleed. They did not care at all. And the worst of all was youngsoo who watched the defenseless hybrid had given up to even go against him. He enjoyed the power.

Then after he saw the boy not moving anymore he raised his hand telling the guards to stop. He walked over to the silently crying boy on the floor and kneeled down. Looking down on him.

"there there, a good example." Youngsoo chuckled seeing the boy's bad state. He stood back up and grabbed his gun aiming it at the hybrid's head.
One of his men snapped the photo.
He walked away from the boy, taking his phone back and sending the message off to his rival. "take that Jeon. Let's see how you will act now.."
He walked to the door and turned to his men. "get him ready. We leave tomorrow evening. Make sure he is cuffed before leaving, cant have him run off now do we?"

"will do boss"


Thank you for your patience and reading. Sorry if there are a lot of errors ive missed. I typed this on my phone because i am not at home rn.

see you in the next chapter!

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