2: streets

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Jungkook finished his meeting and was already heading back home in his car. Well that was the idea. He drove through the empty night streets. A red light made him stop, letting out an annoyed sigh he slowed down. and because he had to slow down his eyes caught a figure moving on the street. The light turned green but he didnt speed off at a fast speed but drove very slow. He stopped the car on the road and peeked into the alley he saw something move. There was someone there. He shook his head, he didn't have time to bother himself by investigating the strange moving figure and stepped on the gas. but when he turned the corner something ran on the road.

"Oh shit!" He cursed and kicked the brakes, his wheels screeched as he just barely missed the person running across. He frowned and grabbed the door to scold the person but he knew him. it was the hybrid of before. Jungkook frowned. the hybrid looked scared and he was holding his arm. Jungkook knew he didn't hurt him there, he knew because he didn't see any damage there when he dropped the boy off on the streets.

"Stupid kid" he mumbled and drove away not bothering himself with it any more than he already did.


Taehyung was panting to catch his breath as he was crouched behind a bush. He could feel the twigs scratching his arms and face but he didnt care. He had just ran away, he wasn't going to get caught again. But these men had tried to get him before, but they kept coming back.

Taehyung perked his ears listening for any sounds, when he didn't hear anything he got on his knees and peeked over the leaves of the bush into the alley he ran away from. He didn't see anything. So slowly and cautious he got up and walked back into the alley still a bit shaken from first being chased then almost hit by a car. He shook it off him trying to relax his body that was still sore from the beating earlier. but he came off it pretty well, only some bruises will surely be lingering there for a long time.

Taehyung's bare feet walked through a water puddle making a splashing noise as he headed back to his home. there was no trace of the group anymore so he let out a relieved sigh. "t-they are gone, calm down tae" he told himself and rubbed his arm. a mark of a hand was seen on his wrists. someone had held his arm tightly but he managed to get free by biting the person. After checking once more around his home in case the group was hiding somewhere he went inside the shed that was once a gardening shed from a former building. but now just for the air to fill. Taehyung had removed all the trash and decided to live there, it would keep him mostly driven and out of the wind. Even if there were leaks from the old wood and cracks in the walls it was better than on the streets. Taehyung didn't want to go to humans and ring their bell asking if he can stay with them. Hybrids were known to be just pets and slaves. but taehyung didn't want to be just a pet or a slave, he had feelings too. So he would rather live on the streets where he can decide his own life and choices than live on a leash or ordered around by an owner.

"No...they stole my blanket!" Taehyung frowned seeing his green blanket was gone. it got pretty chilly at night, he sighed and grabbed his small pillow hugging it to keep his body somewhat warm and pushed his sleeping spot in the corner. It was an alright spot to sleep now. He sighed and closed his eyes. He hoped to finally get some sleep and not be bothered again. He knew he had to move somewhere else. These people knew where he stayed and it was getting too dangerous for him here. but he doesn't know where to go without being captured and sent to a hybrid seller. or something else, maybe he will get killed like that man earlier today.

"just sleep....it will be okay.." taehyung always told himself even if he knew it wouldn't get any better ever. he was stuck here. a hybrid cant even get a home on their own. they had no rights like other people had.


Meanwhile in the house Jungkook was heading to, were two men talking.

"I feel bad for hurting him, he seemed innocent, he wasn't dangerous to him at all. he didn't seem like someone who even knew what was going on"

"Hoseok, jungkook wanted it done so we did it. And besides, it's not like we killed him" Jimin said. "he was cute tho"

"Yeah but still, I felt really bad hurting him, Jimin. he looked like he already had enough things to worry about." hoseok sighed.

"I feel you, it- oh he's back" Jimin turned his head hearing the front door. After a few seconds Jungkook walked inside straight to the kitchen getting himself a drink.

"And how did the meeting go?" Jimin asked.

"Good, we will continue later. they had to think about it first" Jungkook said. "It will be great if we can partner up with them, it would mean more cash and less suspicion," Jungkook said as he sipped his drink.

"Great," Jimin smiled.

"Jungkook, that hybrid of earlier. Did you let him go free?" hoseok asked.

"yeah, why?"

"Just asking.." hoseok said but jungkook raised a brow and the other knew he had to continue and speak his mind. "Well I felt bad for him. so i wondered if he was free now"

"He is, now don't think of it. focus on the work. He will be fine, he will just go cry at his owner or whatever. but if i find out he speaks a word he will be dead.""Jungkook said and walked away taking the glass with him.


a last update before i go sleep. i got work tomorrow so i probably wont update anything then.. thank you for reading see you inn the next chapter!


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