23: sick

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Jungkook was taking a long time in the bathroom, taehyung couldn't make himself get out of bed for some reason, he felt an uncomfortable feeling inside his stomach which kept him down in the bed clutching his belly. He didn't expect a heat so soon after the last one. It also felt different, he didn't feel hot but cold. it made him shiver. Taehyung had no idea how he felt like this so suddenly. He was all fine yesterday.

While he stayed in bed Jungkook was brushing his hair into a model. He didn't like how his emotions were acting up and crawling back to the surface when it came to taehyung. Jungkook had told himself to not do that again, emotions were weak in his eyes. they are not good and just show your flaws. Jungkook did wrong taking in the hybrid. He should just stop before this gets worse. Just drop the boy somewhere and go, easy right? Jungkook gave himself a nod and took a deep breath, pushing back all his emotions as he left the bathroom.

"kid..'' Jungkook said he felt something was off when he left and saw the boy still in bed. Taehyung's ears were turned back flat against his head showing discomfort. "Get dressed we're going somewhere"

Taehyung smiled a bit and pushed himself up even if he felt weak, he wanted to go with jungkook, he was happy the man wanted to do something together. he slid off the bed on his legs which were shaky and made his way to the closet shivering from the cold.

As soon jungkook saw the boy looking like that he frowned. "what's with you?"

"n-nothing" taehyung said he didn't want to be a bother to the man. He didn't want Jungkook to change his thoughts. But when he reached up to grab a new shirt he shrunk and whined holding his torso. "s-sorry i-i'm okay"

"Taehyung, go to the bed," Jungkook said sternly. The boy looked at him but did as he was told , making his way to the bed and sat down. The raven walked in front of him. his dark colored eyes glancing at him every detail. not in a pervert way but looking if he saw what was wrong.

"What's wrong?"

taehyung shrugged.

"talk to me"

"I-i dont know....its cold...and..and hurts" taehyung moved a hand over his chest and belly. "here"

"You're sick...have you eaten something bad?"


Jungkook frowned. He had to go and leave for work, he had a business meeting today, but he couldn't just leave the boy here like this. Wait no, he could. Why was he even caring. he just told himself he would stop caring for him.

"Then I will go, you will be fine. goodbye" jungkook suddenly left the room leaving taehyung hurt and sick behind. the hybrid would almost tear up from Jungkook's action. but what could he do now, he didn't have the energy to run after him or even raise his voice. He just lowered his head feeling now also pain in his heart.


"You see, if we raise the price this percentage will still buy them, so all that together will increase our profit." The man said and looked at Jungkook for a reaction. The boss had his legs crossed and hands folded against his belly as he looked at the screen.

"hm sounds like a good plan '' Jungkook said and the man smiled with relief washed over him knowing the boss liked the idea. He worked hard to find a way and perfect deal for people and still higher their profit. "You earned the promotion, meet me in my office later to talk about the details," Jungkook said and was about to say something else when his phone rang. He had his phone on silent and only some of his men could call him at the moment. which didn't happen often only if something was wrong. He shut his lips and grabbed his phone looking at the caller. It was Lu. he excused himself and stood up walking to the window of the office as he put the phone to his ear.

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