68: learning and love

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Taehyung was allowed to go home pretty quick, which was good for Jungkook as he couldn't wait to take his boyfriend and their newly born girl home. Jungkook had usually carried taehyung up to the penthouse but as he now had two babies he had to wake taehyung up. He didn't want to carry both of them and risk dropping one of them. But taehyung wasn't hard to wake up. The hybrid had followed the raven sleepily while Jungkook carried their baby. as they walked through the building to the elevator many stares were their direction along with whispers. People didn't expect this to happen at all. they never could imagine their boss having a baby. but look at him now.

Once they got back to the penthouse jungkook had put the baby in its bed remembering everything the doctor told him and everything he had studied from the books that explained he parenting.

"There, sleep well, my little cupcake, '' Jungkook said, giving the little baby a kiss on her head. watching how the small ears cutely moved forward at the gentle kiss. "you're adorable" Jungkook chuckled and left the room leaving the door open slightly.

"You love her already," Taehyung said as he stood in the kitchen drinking some water before bed.

"Of course I do, she is my child. i made her with you, of course i love her"

"I hope she will love us too"

"I'm sure she will, how can she not love you" jungkook walked to the other snaking an arm around his waist. "You're beautiful, cute, caring and absolutely have a heart of gold"

"really? you're making me blush" taehyung said while feeling his cheeks heat up.

"Hmm all facts love, you know me, i wouldn't lie to you about such things" he hugged the other and slowly began walking to the bedroom not waiting to let go. "I was thinking, if you get old, will your hair turn grey too?"

"that's pretty random" taehyung chuckled and looked up now both in the bedroom. "But yes, if one got colored hair they turn grey, I have white hair so I just stay white, it just won't be as bright as this" the boy felt his own hair looking at the strands in front of his eyes. "but that's fine"

"white really suits you, i love the color"

"all natural!" the hybrid smiled and clapped his hands together like he was giving an ad ending.

"I know, now undress and get into bed." Jungkook said as he dissapeared in the bathroom to brush his teeth, the younger had already done that when Jungkook went to put the baby to her bed. When the raven returned to the bedroom he saw that taehyung had laid down his eyes peeking over the edge of the blanket at jungkook. their eyes meeting. Jungkook winked at the boy wich made him giggle softly under the blankets.

"such a shy kitten" Jungkook said while getting in bed scooting close to Taehyung, staring at his beautiful blue eyes. "You know, it feels better than I imagined it would be," Jungkook said softly as he had his hand placed on Taehyung's cheek. looking at him with a soft expression.

"It does" Taehyung smiled and closed his eyes, enjoying the warmth of Jungkook next to him. The raven might be a little pervert sometimes or showing his usual cold self. Taehyung saw the real Jungkook. a man who just wants his own family and finds happiness. Jungkook might have said he doesn't need it but deep down he had always longed for this. Having someone to treasure, having someone love him so dearly like taehyung did. to heal the wounds of a once broken cold heart. learning him to trust again and give him the warmth of a family he didn't have.

"I love you"

"i love you too Jungkook" the hybrid smiled and moved closer, connecting their lips in a soft touching kiss. The raven chuckled and wrapped his arms around the hybrid flipping them over, trapping the boy under him lovingly.

"I am really enjoying my vacation so far" Jungkook parted to say this, making the hybrid chuckle cutely.

"I'm glad we still have a long time together with our little girl." Taehyung put a hand on Jungkook's cheek and caressed it to the raven locks, running his fingers through them lovingly. The raven smiled and connected their lips again kissing more hungrily now. signaling to something much more. but he knew the other shouldn't give it now. He needed rest after everything, and Jungkook will make sure the boy rests. He will do the first month of caring during the night. so the boy could get a good rest then they can switch time to time. No matter how much Taehyung protested against Jungkook taking that task on him, the raven wasn't going to change his mind.

But that didn't take away that he can't kiss the other. a little more than just a peck. Just their lips was enough for now. it satisfied both of them, even if they wanted to do more. They were getting so lost into the moment when suddenly the sound of crying reached their ears. Jungkook parted from the kiss and lowered his head with a sighing chuckle.

"i will have to get used to getting interrupted" jungkook knew this won't be the last time the baby will interrupt their moment. but oh well, that comes with having a child. they will cry because they can't speak. "I'll be right back darling. you can sleep if you're still tired"

"okay, give her a kiss from me"

"Of course," Jungkook said while slipping his feet into a pair of socks.

"thank you baby~" taehyung said with a chuckle. Jungkook gave te boy a playful glare while leaving the bedroom.


thank you for reading, see in in the last chapter!


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