31: breakfast

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Jungkook was this time the one to wake up being alone in bed. He sat up abruptly and looked around.

"Taehyung?" he didn't see the other and quickly felt the spot next to him, feeling it was cold. It must have been a whole since the hybrid left the bed. Jungkook checked the time and sighed he had to be at the mansion within an hour. So he had to get ready.

Jungkook felt uneasy waking up without the hybrid next to him sleeping. He had gotten so used to having him in the bed with him that it felt odd when it wasn't. But he also knew the boy wasn't stuck here anymore. He let the boy do whatever he wanted. Lu kept an eye on him for jungkook. it wasn't his job but jungkook asked him to 'babysit the kid' so he did. Lu will always do anything for the raven. He was his most trusted assistant. He had been there even before the other gang members.

Jungkook had dressed himself in a more casual looking suit today, it was black colored with a blood red tie. Quickly checking himself in the bathroom before leaving. The man always had to look good, he would leave a good impression on people. He was ready to go and did NOT expect to see this when he left the bedroom.

His eyes looked into the living room and kitchen, seeing Taehyung placing two bowls on the table. When he saw Jungkook he gasped and tried to hide the big set table with his arms.

"dont look!"

"what are you doing?" Jungkook asked, raising a brow as he approached the boy.

"yah! Wait! I'm not finished yet '' Taehyung said and put his hand over jungkook's eyes by getting on his tippitoes. "close your eyes!"

Jungkook signed and did as asked. Even tho he had already seen it.

"okay done, look!" the hybrid smiled and clapped his hands without much noise looking at the table. He had made them breakfast. Two toasts and little croissants, tea, cheese and other goods for on the toast and lastly the two small bowls of fruit.

Jungkook looked at his fruitplate seeing a big gap in it. Taehyung must have stolen a few from there.

"How did you manage to do this?" Jungkook was really interested in that and he never explained to the boy how the kitchen works here. The boy hummed and walked to the counter grabbing a few pages from it. There were some messy sketches with simple words and numbers on it.

"Lu and a maid told me what to do! Look, they made it like little drawings" taehyung smiled. He was glad they drew it out for him, as he couldn't read well.

"that's nice.. But i have work."

"but....I did this all.... you didnt tell me you were leaving this early...." Taehyung looked so disappointed. His ears hanging low.

Jungkook checked the time again and sighed. He put his phone on the table and sat down. The hybrid immediately cheered up and sat down as well.

"i hope you will kike it, i did my very best for you!", taehyung said. Jungkook stared at him. Then his eyes fell on Taehyung's hand where the small cuts were healing. He noticed the boy had been scratching them, seeing some fresh scratches on them.

"How is your hand?" he asked.

"it's alright," Taehyung said blushing when Jungkook took his hand and placed a soft kiss on the cuts.

"don't scratch it, it's bad for the healing process. Cant have your beautiful skin damaged."

"i-i will try" the boy was getting shy from the raven's action and looked away. But Jungkook didn't let go of his hand. He kept holding it so gently until Taehyung pulled it back.

Taehyung stared at Jungkook for a long time watching him eat the breakfast he prepaired.it wasn't much but he tried his best.

"its..its good?" Jungkook said not sure what the boy was waiting for. it seemed it wasn't this, the hybrid smiled, thanking him but he kept staring at him still expecting something from him but Jungkook couldn't think of what. So he ignored it for now and kept eating untill his portion was finished. forgetting about the time completely. He was relaxed, the morning where he felt stressed as soon he opened his eyes was calm again.

The two finished breakfast and Jungkook stood up remembering he had to leave. He wiped his lips with the paper under his plate and put it on the table near his glass. He straightened his clothes before heading to the door checking if he had everything.

"m-mister!" Taehyung noticed the raven leaving suddenly again. He rushed to the man standing next to him with puppy eyes.

"hm?" Jungkook raised a brow looking at the boy, but Taehyung didn't say anything else he kept looking at it was uneasy having someone stare at you like that for so long. But then jungkook got it. he chuckled and let go of the button and bent slightly to the boy's eye level. He put his finger under the boy's chin and raised it slightly before connecting their lips.

That was what Taehyung was waiting for. but he was too shy to ask. ever since the raven had kissed him taehyung felt so happy around the other, he never wanted to leave jungkook. he will stay with him forever.

Jungkook parted looking at the hybrid who had his eyes closed a blush on his cheeks. the ears forward excitedly. He chuckled and ran his finger through the boys hair. he could basically see the hybrid melt in front of him. "cute, and all mine" jungkook said softly and removed his hand making the boy open his eyes and look at the man lovingly. "See you" the raven stepped in the elevator but taehyung grabbed his shirt.

"b-be careful"

"I always am," Jungkook said, holding the elevator door open with the button from the inside. Taehyung frowned and looked at Jungkook's arm crossing his arms. Jungkook chuckled and nodded. "except that time" the raven was about to leave but halted the door again. "Will you amuse yourself while I'm gone? the shops are closed today"

"I will have lunch with Lu!" Taehyung smiled. Jungkook frowned.

"I think he won't make it today"

"he will let me try these new foods i haven't heard of, something with an 'a'. wait I think it was pizza....yes I heard it a lot in the city" the hybrid tapped his chin.

The raven kept silent, as much as he didn't like taehyung going to eat with Lu he knew he should not be bothered by it being Lu, he knew the man was a good person and won't even think of trying and stealing him away. and on top of that, jungkook wont let him. Now he has made up his mind he will go all the way, he will not let anyone touch the boy or change the boy's mind in any way. He cant have someone betray him a second time.

"Enjoy" is all Jungkook said before letting the doors close. Taehyung pouted as soon as he saw the elevator go down. He had still to wait a few hours before Lu would come get him.


thank you for reading, see you in the next chapter!


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