19: dinner

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"Jeon, the supplies have been secured and are on their way to the warehouse, we're clear to go," Hoseok said in his earpiece.

"Okay, i will leave in a bit i have to do something first" Jungkook said and stood up walking in sight towards the docks. Jimin who was near him looked at him confused and aimed his gun, ready to protect Jungkook if anything happens, but they were just with two of them now, no way they will win against a whole group of mafia here on their own. there was no superman.

"What is that ass doing?" Jimin mumbled watching Jungkook approach what looks like their leader.

Jungkook was walking calmly to the group where one man turned around noticing the movement. it immediately aimed his gun and that got the attention of their boss who turned around. When his eyes fell on the raven haired man approaching, a grin appeared on his face.

"Oh i didn't expect you here~" he said and stepped forward putting his hand on the gun of his men as a sign to lower them.

"Ryu why are you here?" Jungkook said standing a few meters away from the one that used to be at his side. "You are bothering my work and it's annoying"

"oh i don't get a greeting hug, hmm too bad" Jinsang said and put on a fake pout.

"I don't have time for your games, tell me why you're here. this is my place and you know that damn well" Jungkook glared at the other.

"Hmm let me see '' Jinsang tapped his chin looking up. "Well I have good deals here, and it's a perfect location near the waters. perfect for my ship" he said and smiled. "But in the first place I came to visit you, isn't that nice?~"

"i think you can better leave my grounds quick, i will take back my trading route you are occupying"

"oh they were yours, my bad i didn't know" Jinsang sounded very sarcastic and chuckled. "Ahh you have changed Jungkook, so cold now. where are your cute smiles?"

"Hm, i don't need them anymore. and i definitely don't need you" Jungkook said he was starting to have enough of this. "I will take my leave i don't feel like dealing with you right now"

"ahw, leaving already?" Jinsang said, his eyes widening a bit. "why don't you stay longer? lets get a drink together"

"no, I have other things to do than sit with a traitor like you" Jungkook said and checked his watch, seeing it was past 6, he sighed seeing it was later than he hoped.

"So boring, let's catch up hm. it's been a while Jungkook-ah"

"don't call me that," Jungkook said and turned around, walking away. Jinsang's smile faded and he glared at jungkook's back.


"Bored bored bored" Taehyung said as he laid upside down on the couch. He had found puzzled inside the penthouse and had made two of them but he couldn't finish the other, he had given up on it and was now laying down staring outside. He was hoping Jungkook would come and eat with him, and hopefully not leave again. He didn't want to be alone here. He wanted to do something. Luckily he didn't have his heat anymore so that was nice, he still felt embarrassed thinking that he actually had Jungkook to help him out. He shook his head to get those thoughts and images out of his head, but of course it isn't so easy.

"oh?'' Suddenly the sound of the door was heard and Taehyung rolled off the couch to his knees on the floor looking at the front door. his eyes widened and almost sparkled when he saw Jungkook hang up his coat in the hallway.

"Welcome back Mister!" he said and smiled wide standing up. Jungkook turned his head and looked at him, he didn't greet back but just grabbed the white plastic bag from the ground he took with him and walked to the dining table.

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