50: reunite

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Taehyung didn't know what was happening but as soon he saw Jungkook on the main deck below he took this chance to run off, the guards were no longer holding him, he could leave. In hurry and panic Taehyung took off with his gathered energy, ignoring the pain in his body when he forced his body to go faster. He wanted nothing more than to go to Jungkook but he didnt know how. The elevator was occupied and waiting wasn't really an option seeing the commotion around him, people were running and screaming making their way around pushing each other. Taehyung had to get down, but he already did not see Jungkook anymore, he lost sight of him in the crowd. He teared up as he started searching for a staircase. people around him didn't seem to notice the bad state he was in, or they just chose to ignore it. as people usually did when it came to hybrids.

But not the only thing in taehyung head was to not get caught and make it somehow to jungkook, wherever the raven might be right now. Taehyung was lucky, he found the stairs of the ship and ran down people passing him in a hurry knocking him over. He yelped when he fell on the stairs and covered his head and ears letting the rushing people pass him. Finally when everyone was gone he started moving again, hearing people in the hallway shouting, probably looking for him. He shouldn't waste more time. He stumbled down the stars in his hurry and kept going down as far he could, well that was until he saw guards run up. his eyes widened when they locked eyes and he quickly turned around going back up taking the first turn left towards the outside deck. not where he wanted to be but it was close, he only had to go one more and then he would be where jungkook was.

Taehyung saw more men running past and hid behind a big menu board watching them pass him. He let out a sigh of relief and peeked behind him, his eyes seeing another black suited man, he was about to hide back quickly but then the man turned his head.....jungkook. his eyes teared up a second time and he got out of his hiding spot running towards the man he had been dying to see again. The raven noticed him and came his way. but before he got in the other;'s reach he felt a hand grab his hair and yank him back caging him in a strong grip.


"Tae!" jungkook looked worried and aimed his gun up, but he couldn't shoot the attacker. he had taehyung well in front of him, he cant rik shooting taehyung.

"L-let go!" Taehyung shouted kicking his legs at the man, but the other didn't budge.

"you're not escaping us little cat. you're coming back to the boss to-AHHH!" the man was screaming in pain, taehyung had bit his hand. He let go of the boy and held his hand screaming in pain seeing the bite marks with blood escaping the holes. "you little shit!" *bang* The man fell limp on the floor, Jungkook was not going to let the man live after all that happened.

But his anger towards the guard son faded when the hybrid jumped into his arms holding him so tight like he was afraid Jungkook was going to fade away any second now. "M-mister..." the hybrid sobbed out hiding in Jungkook's neck seeking protection and comfort which he needed.

"Tae.." Jungkook said, hugging the other back and he turned around to find a way out of here. "are you okay?" he asked but he could see the other wasn't, and the hybrid shaking his head confirmed it. "you're gonna be okay, i'm taking you back home okay? stay close, im not letting you go okay? trust me, whatever happens i am not leaving you" jungkook assured the other with a soft kiss on his bruised forehead. He knew he had to keep his plan up until they were both in safety. He didn't want the hybrid to get the wrong idea.

Taehyung just nodded, holding onto Jungkook's hand as they started running towards a way out. But it was getting hard, the guards were crowding around them. they were getting more and more, jungkook couldn't keep them all off. The gunshots were filling the air now. Taehyung hid behind a wall as Jungkook cleared the path while not staying too far off his hybrid who needed him right now the most.

"Jeon! were here!, come on hurry!" It was Jimin and Hoseok waving at them as Jungkook's men joined the fight.

"Taehyung, grab my hand we have to risk a long run okay" jungkook said taking the hybrids hand and put the boy in front of him as they ran, he didn't want taehyung to get hurt anymore so he held him in front to shield him in case they got shot. "Almost there. Jimin take him for a moment, bringing him to safety. i will hold them back" jungkook said to jimin and let go of taehyung's hand. but those sad and concerned eyes of taehyung made his heart ache. "tae, i promise i'm not going anywhere, you're safe with jimin, listen to him for me. i will be right behind you"

"D-don't go!" Taehyung said, trying to grab Jungkook who turned around shooting an attacker. but jimin had already pulled taehyung away, taking him away from the scene. "jungkook!"

"taehyung come on, it's too dangerous we have to get you to the helicopter!" Jimin said, noticing Taehyung struggling to get out of his grasp. He didn't want to leave Jungkook there, he feared to get hurt again, he feared everything now.

"Taehyung please stop shouting they will hear us, please just work along alright?" Jimin looked around curiously for any sign of the enemy, but there was none so far. surprisingly as they got further taehyung had shut his lips again now following the other obediently, well more blindly. a strange expression on his face. Jimin was a little worried but they didn't have the time to stop and talk now. Getting off this ship safely and well was nr.1 priority.


thank you for reading see you in the next chapter!


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